Chapter Three

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The next two days came and went too quickly for my liking. I had come up with so many lies that it was starting to get harder and harder to keep my story straight. I felt so guilty lying to Meridith and Ted, but I also know that if they knew the truth they would be questioning my sanity and dragging me down to the police station. They would demand that I file a police report and that just wasn't an option. What was I supposed to say: Hi officer, my mob boss sent me to hack into a rival family's computer and they caught me, stole my car and are holding it ransom until I see them in a couple of days... Help please? Yeah, absolutely not.

I was grilled so intensely the day after Ted had picked me up by both him and Meridith alike. It was as if they were trying to pick my brain apart and catch me in a lie. It was utterly exhausting to say the least, and I took a rough five-hour nap afterwards just to regain some sanity.

"Why were you out so late?" I was on a date.

"Why was your car gone after dinner?" I lent it to a friend while hers was in the shop.

"Who took you to the date?" He picked me up.

"Where was your date when you were waiting outside?" It didn't go very well, and I told him bye right after dinner, so he left.

"Why didn't he offer to stay with you or take you home?" He did, I told him that I could make it home just fine by myself.

Lie after lie after lie. I felt so incredibly guilty and that doesn't even cover all of the lies that I told Gio to keep him off my back. He was thrilled with whatever information the mysterious person told me to relay to him which was a good sign at least. He had told me good work and that he would be in touch within the next few weeks for the next part of my mission. God if Gio found out that I had lied to him and would be going back to the club to have a discussion with his rivals he would behead me himself. Maybe I would finally be able to see what the guy looks like before I die by his cruel hands. That would be a treat.


The Diamond was just as busy tonight as it was the other night but rather than creeping through the back door, I waited in line amongst all of the other partygoers. Many people in line must have enjoyed some pre-party shots because they were already dancing on one another before even getting halfway down the red carpet that led from the sidewalk to the large, silver doors. My eyes closed as I counted to ten after the fifth time some drunk off her ass girl fell into me, slurring an apology only to do it again a few minutes later.

I got more and more nervous the closer that I got to the entrance and shoved my hands in the pockets of my jeans as I willed them to stop shaking. I watched as those before me pulled out their IDs and handed them to the bouncer who would then study it intently before handing it back with a stiff nod. 

Do I give them my real ID, I asked myself. Of course, you do Kiera they already know your damn name.

By the time it was my turn to hand over my license the bouncer held up a hand, looking over his shoulder before throwing his head back in a gesture towards me. My palms began to sweat, and I could feel the curious stares of everyone behind me. The guy standing in the shadows who was at least twice the size of the bouncer came forward and took my ID, glaring at it before studying my face and looking down again. He must have gotten some kind of confirmation because he handed my ID back and grabbed me firmly by the elbow pulling me inside.

I had never been inside The Diamond before and let me tell you, I understood why rich folks would pay a pretty penny for access. Inside there were two stories to the club. On the ground floor was a large metallic bar that stretched across the entirety of the back wall where several bartenders were hard at work mixing drinks and casually flirting with the members. Maroon carpet covered the ground and was pristine as if it had just been professionally cleaned and left no trace of any food residue despite many members already chowing down on chips and salsa and other little snacks.

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