Chapter Four

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I stood in complete shock as I looked at the man before me. I had never thought that I would see him again and certainly not in these circumstances but yet there he was. He was just as handsome as I remembered him being. The memories began coming back to me, and it suddenly dawned on me that I had been too drunk to even ask for his name the night that we met. He cleared his throat as he leaned back in the office chair, crossing his arms across his chest as he nodded once again to the chair.

"It wasn't really an option, Kiera," he warned. "Sit down."

I must not have moved fast enough and the man who had led me down the hallway must have thought it was his job to make me obey because I could smell the stench of his cologne as he approached me before he even shoved me forward. I clenched my teeth as I bumped into the armchair, clenching my fists beside me as I looked at the Boss man who sat behind the desk. Anger danced within his dark eyes and his nostrils flared as he stood, and I couldn't help but feel intimidated by his masculine frame. Hell, this man had to be at least 6'4.

"Don't fucking touch her like that Lorenzo," he shouted. "This family does not handle women like that."

Tenderly I turned around staring with wide eyes at Lorenzo's large frame being held in place by two other men. "Sorry Dante," he stuttered. "It won't happen again."

Dante huh? The name suited him well. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and watched in confusion as Dante's angry expression softened to one of content. He even smiled, something that made me oddly uncomfortable.

"I know it won't Lorenzo."

Before I could even fully process what was happening, Dante had grabbed a stray handgun that sat beside him on the desk and shot Lorenzo right in the center of the head. His lips sputtered blood as he went limp in the men's arms and just as quickly as the men had grabbed him, they dropped him. His large body fell with a thump and one of the men sneered at him as they kicked the dead man's ribs until a loud crack could be heard.

Dante huffed as if the entire situation had been an inconvenience to him. As he sat back down, he gently set the handgun back where it had laid before as if nothing had happened. His eyes were blank, holding no sign of remorse as he stared at Lorenzo's corpse.

"Get the pig out of my office," he commanded. "Now." He studied me for a while before asking the rest of the men to clear the room.

"What do you want Dante?" I jeered, willing myself to sit up straighter as I sat before him. He smiled softly, a genuine smile as he tilted his head curiously.

"You are just as mouthy sober as you are drunk, aren't you?" He teased.

I cocked a brow, refusing to take the bait and he sighed, running a tired hand over his face before lacing together his fingers and throwing them on top of the desk. "What do I want, Kiera?" he repeated, "Is that really what you are asking me right now?" Meeting his eyes, I stared blankly back at him. "You're the one who broke into my club, Kiera," he reminded. "And you're asking me what it is that I want?"


His fingers took their time untangling themselves from one another and I watched as his hands balled into fists as he took a deep breath. Despite the early signs of his annoyance, I still felt the need to continue running my mouth while I had the floor.

"You're the one who stole my bag, my car keys, and made me walk home," I prodded. "So why did you ask me to come back? You already know where I live, you wrote my address in your lovely letter that you left me."

He nodded, "You're write Kiera," he murmured. "I do know where you live. Perhaps next time that we have an issue – and we will, I will take you up on your offer to come on over."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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