Roadtrip! Roadtrip!

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Erin's POV

Since all of you have been (hopefully) patient for our slow releases, I figured I'd share with you how Levi and I first got together. If you can guess by the title it was on a road trip!

So Mikasa, my sister, wanted to go on a road trip since she just got her full drivers license (she's 17 by the way). Of course I wasn't letting her leave me home cause she can cook and, let's just say my skills are...lacking. So I called Armin (my best friend) and told him to meet me at five the night before. However, Mikasa didn't tell me that she was bringing two of her friends that I DO NOT LIKE. One was Jean, or as like to call him, horse-face. He's a jerk, to put it kindly. The other was Levi, who, at the time, scared the crap outta me. I'm sorry but when I meet one of my sister's friends that is quiet, has an eyebrow piercing and glares at everything that moves, I'm going to be a little intimidated. I think I'll leave the rest to a flashback. "Armin! How do u do the fwosh thing for the flashback?! Oh there we go!"


It is four in the morning. Trip is today. Armin slept over and we both got zero sleep half because we're excited and half because we may have drank an entire bottle of Mountain Dew. Each.

Sadly for us (or Mikasa) she was still asleep. So, being the mature adults that we are, we snuck into the bear cave (Mikasa's bedroom). She has a small tv on her dresser with a cable box sitting next to it. Armin manned the remote while I stood in front of Mikasa so the light wouldn't wake her up. We had the perfect plan to wake up Mikasa. Armin went to the free on paper view and found an episode of Sponge Bob where he chants "Roadtrip! Roadtrip!", fast forwarded it to the chant, paused it, and turned up the volume REALLY loud. Then, we hit play and ran like hell!

"Erin!! I'm gonna kill you!"

"Hey it was Armin too!!" I yelled back.

"That may be true but I like Armin and the only time he does something stupid is because of you or high intakes of sugar!"

"This time it was both!" Armin yelled back giggling. Armin has become like a brother to both me and Mikasa ever since his parents died, and he stays here a lot. Needless to say, we keep the sugar far away from him. The last time he got to it he ended up stuck to the rafters in the basement by his shirt. We still don't know how that happened.

Well, everything was fun and games until Mikasa ended up laying on Armin and me with both of us in headlocks.

After yelling mercy for what felt like hours, she let us go so we could get ready for a four hour car trip! Woohoo. After we finished packing and told Armin five times no, you cannot eat all the candy by yourself, we packed up the car and waited for Mikasa's friends. I was sure it was gonna be Hanji or Sasha, who I like. But nooo, she had to bring horse-face and the scary midget.

"Erin? Are you ok?" I heard Armin ask next to me. And being a decently smart young man who is mature and accepting I said the only thing I could say at a moment like this.

Sorry if this one is a little short! I'm breaking it into two parts so you can have another one by next week and so it will be neater-looking. I have ideas for this story it's just hard for me to formulate them into words. Suggestions would be brilliant and would help me update faster! Thanks for reading! Suggestions are always welcome!

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