Part 2!!!!

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The rest of the car ride was uneventful. Everyone but Mikasa fell asleep at least once and I may or may not have pretended to be asleep so I could kick Jean's seat. I felt like a genius. Armin caught on but he went along with it. Armin you are a saint!

We ended up in upstate New York where we found a hotel for the night. Mikasa got her own room because she said she didn't trust us not to sneak up on her (she will choke you even in her sleep), Levi and Jean shared a room, and I shared a room with Armin.

"Why so sad, noble steed? Upset you don't get to room with Mikasa?" I said, smirking at Jean as he shot me a glare.

"Oh come on Ackerman! You're telling me that you wouldn't want to room with Yaegar?" He said, pulling the blankets back from his bed.

"Nah. Not my type" I'm thinking of another Yaegar. Obviously this was in my head (duh, italics).

"Then what is your type? I've never seen you with any girl since Petra".

Petra had been one of my best friends, along with Isabelle and Farlan. But she had moved away a few years ago. She had been one of the only people I talked to before I met Jean and Mikasa. And she was the only person in the entire world who knew I was gay. We spent so much time together people started to assume we were dating. Since it was a good cover for me, we never confirmed nor denied it. It worked perfectly. And when she moved everyone just assumed we ended it. Man, people can sure make up lives for people. I will admit that I do my fair share of people-watching, but damn, ya could've just asked one of us. Not complaining, just trying to figure out how thick kids in our year can be. Anyway, back on topic.

"I'm still looking for it" I answered, wiping the night stand with a Lysol wipe (I don't like dirt. Or germs. Definitely don't have a problem. Nope. Not like I have a bottle of Windex in my bag I'm going to clean the windows with after Jean falls asleep).

"Well, that's about all the energy I have after dealing with Erin f*cking Yaegar for an entire day. G'night grumpy gills!" And with his signature nickname for me, his head hit the pillow and he was snoring in about five minutes. And he snores like a horse with sleep apnea.
THATS IT! I can't take this! I'm going to get some raviolis from the café downstairs.


"Armin. Aarrrmmmiiinnn. ARMIN. A. R. M. I. N."
"What Erin?!" Armin spat at me, his yellow coconut head (hehe my own private description of him. Don't tell him. He'd hate it XD ) shooting up from the pillow.
"I'm hungry!"
"The café is open all night. Go get something."
"You're kidding! I can get food! At midnight?"
"Actually it's close to one. Now go. Get some food so I can sleep". Laughing, he threw the room card at me and laid back down.
"Armin, I love you!" After clumsily catching the key card I ran out the door and downstairs to the café. I hope they have raviolis.


Yes. Quiet. Not a human or other species in sight. Except the slightly attractive guy working at the counter. Woah. Yeah he's had too many Red Bulls. How else could he work the graveyard shift? Erin probably could. He's perky enough. Hell I could work the graveyard shift if it was with him. Damn why do all my thoughts go back to Erin? Adorable brat. Maybe if I kicked him in the shins, just once, I wouldn't like him this much. He'd probably give me watery puppy eyes which would make me like him more. There is no way out of th-
Interrupting my thoughts was a whirlwind. A lean, tall, sweatpants clad whirlwind. Also know as my current brain aneurysm (it's Erin, dumbass).
"Excuse me," he said to counter Red Bull guy, "do you have raviolis?"

"You're in luck." CRB guy answered. "That's the last tray."

Alright, hold the f*ck up. Those raviolis were mine. I was so close. I could taste their cheesy goodness. And the brat cut in front of me. Oh hell no. Erin and cRB guy both looked at me. Apparently I had said the last bit out loud.
"Levi?" Erin asked, looking at me confusedly (yeah it's a word. I just decreed that. Ok it's late. I curse more and my grammar is lacking).
"No. Marie Antoinette." I said rolling my eyes. Erin did one of those 'pff' laughs and I usually find annoying but Erin is too cute. And I'm more annoyed about my raviolis.
"Why Marie Antoinette?" He asked laughing.
"I don't know! All I know is those are my raviolis. I was here first." Yeah. I sound like a five year old but when a man wants cheese filled pasta, he gets his cheese filled pasta.

"We could share?" Erin said, quirking an eyebrow.
I considered this for a second. On the upside I'd still be getting my raviolis. On the downside it would look like we were on a date. Wait. Why is that a down side?! This is perfect!

"Sure, brat why not?" Erin smiled and took the ravioli from cRB guy and handed him the money. He headed for a table and I followed.

"Do you want me to pay you back for half?" I asked, taking out my wallet.
"Oh a.. no, no it's fine. It wasn't that expensive."

As we begin to eat the cheesy goodness, we start to hold hands. Yeah um.. No. We don't. But an awkward silence ensues. Excellent.
"So ah" Erin began, trying to break the silence. "How long have you known Mikasa and Jean?"
"Jean, a year and Mikasa a year and a half. How long have you known Armin?"
"Forever." He said smiling. "We grew up together."
He looked up from the food and smiled a dorky smile at me. To cover up my manly blush, I said the first thing that I could think of. And of course it was stupid.
"You got some sauce right there." I said, pointing to the right side of my mouth.
"Oh. Thanks." He started to try and lick the sauce off he blushing?! Oh no. This is too much. I can't. That's it.

"Oh f*ck it!" I said. I grabbed the front of his t-shirt, and kissed him.

What the heck?! What?! Levi. Me. He's kissing me. I think my eyes are still open. Just as I was about to close them, he pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry. For that. I mean, you're not gay. And you probably have a girlfriend. I'm sorry." Levi stuttered while rubbing the back of his neck.

"First of all. Wow that was amazing." Levi looked at me confused. "Second of all. I'm the gayest person to have ever gayed. And forth, no, third, I've had a crush on you and didn't make a move 'cause I thought you were dating Mikasa. And hella straight".

We looked at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing. That was the first time I've seen Levi smile. And, to be corny, nothing was more beautiful. As our laughing died down, we both looked out at the empty café.

"Well, I guess I'm not trapped in a closet anymore." Levi said chuckling.

"Me too. And there is no going back." We smiled at each other. The rest of the pasta forgotten. Until about five minutes later when my stomach growled.

As you can deduce, the rest of the trip was full of Ereri (Armin and Jean's ship name for us), and a lot of Armin 'I told you so''s. Best. Trip. Ever.

Hey guys! I'm not dead! Wow long chapter. Sorry it's been so long in between parts. I hit writers block for a little bit and this took FOREVER to type!! Oh and cRB stands for counter Red Bull cause I didn't want to keep typing it. Like and comment if you would be so kind and I'll see you for the next little story! :)

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