Merry Christmas Idiot

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Wow. Time passes quickly! Sorry it's been a while! School's crazy (ug. SAT's), but me and Levi have been good! Well, except for the whole tea incident (thanks Levi). So yesterday was Christmas and...yeah not too bad for our first Christmas together. Levi even opened up a little. I really hope he never reads this cause he'll kiilllll meee.

Ok so Levi came over to my house on Christmas cause idk his parents 'aren't big on Christmas' in his words. Well, let's just say that I slept in a little later than I thought. I was finally awakened by Levi yelling "GET UP DORK" and belly flopping onto me.

"Levi what the hell?! Aren't you a little early?"

"No it's 9:33. You slept late. Now get up Jaëgar! There's presents, food, and, did I mention, food!!"

"Ok ok. You overexcited rain cloud. I'm up."
"lets goOOOO" before I could stand up, Levi somehow got me on his back and was running down the stairs.
"What gotten into you?" I asked, laughing. He smirked before jumping over the last to stairs with a thud.
"Mikasa gave me a five hour energy as long as I don't call her 'not Eren' or 'least favorite Jaëgar' and I feel like I just drank six cups of coffee. Probably shouldn't have had it, but, hey, wanna stay awake right? Couldn't sleep I was so excited". After that extremely long winded explanation (or at least long for Levi) he set me down.
"Merry Christmas sleeping beauty." Mikasa said, giving me my Santa hat and hot chocolate.
"'Merry Christmas 'not Eren'"

Yeah that earned me a stomp to the foot. "Don't you start" she said walking away from my *cough*manly*cough* yelp.
"Fine fine. Since its Christmas, sure." Whispering to Levi, "not". We both snickered until Mikasa turned around, which is when we almost lost our lives.

Almost all of our friends were there: Levi, Mikasa, horse face, Armin, Hanji, and Petra. Why is horse face there you may ask? Because he's friends with Mikasa. That ass hat. Anyway, We all ate, laughed, talked and played games. Personally my favorite was Just Dance when Levi did a solo on 'under the sea' (which Mikasa chose for him specially. I swear I almost cried laughing. He was doing fine until he had to swing his legs around the chair he was sitting on to simulate Ariel's tail. Now Levi, as strong as he may seem or is, does not have the greatest balance. So he ended up on the floor several times and right before he got up would yell, and I quote, "this game is bullsh*t. No don't turn it off. I have to win." Yeah, he didn't win.

It wasn't until after the Christmas crackers were popped that Levi and I gave each other our presents. I found Levi outside with his green crown from his cracker on his head. "Hey." I said coming up next to him and sitting down. He cleared his throat. "Hey"
"I" we both said.
"You go first dork." Levi said, half-smiling at me (still don't know how he does that).
"Ok. Um. Well. You know I don't have a job."

"Yes and I laugh at you for it".

Ignoring that. "And I don't have a lot of money, so it's not too big but, Merry Christmas." I handed him a little box that I had (poorly) wrapped. Too much tape and paper! How's a guy supposed to figure that out?!

He unwrapped it and took out the black string choker with a wings of freedom charm on it. I held my breath. At first I though he didn't like it. "Um if you don't like it I can return it. I mean, it's not that good and I understand if you don't li-" Levi leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips, successfully shutting me up.
"Shut up, brat. I love it." He smiled at me and slipped it around his neck. "It's actually kinda funny"

"What is?" I asked as he pulled a package out of his pocket.

"Open this and find out" he gave me the gift, which was actually wrapped correctly (not fair).

"Well, at least one of us can wrap" he smirked at me and I began to unwrap it. I pulled out a black beanie with the same wings of freedom printed on it. I slipped it on my head and we looked each other and burst out laughing.

"I guess we think more alike than we though!" I said in between laughs. Levi leaned his head on my shoulder, still laughing. When we both settled down a bit, Levi spoke.
"Do you want to know why my parents aren't big on Christmas?"
I turned my head slightly to look at his face; it had gone almost sad. I put my arm around him and rubbed my had absentmindedly up and down his arm.
"Only if you want to tell me."

"I feel like...I don't know, like I have to get it off my chest."

"Then go for it. You know I won't judge. Well except for your cleaning/Windex obsession. I'm still making fun of you for that." That earned me a punch in the arm. "Kidding, kidding. Really, though, you can tell me."

"When I was younger, Christmas was the best day of the year. My parents and I would wake up early and open presents. We never had much but it was enough. Then my two friends would come over and we would have dinner and do all the usual holiday stuff. Except for dessert. Dessert was always a cake. Christmas is uh, it's also my birthday."

"And you didn't tell me! Aw man! You suck!" He raised an eyebrow at me as if to say "really Jaëgar?" With is what it usually means. "Sorry. Continue"

He cleared his throat, taking a moment before speaking. "But. When I was 10, there was a car crash." His voice kinda choked up. Almost like he suddenly was trying to talk under water. "My parents both passed away. I was fine. Just a broken arm. The other driver died too. Drunk driver, they told me. Ever since I've been jumping between foster homes. I love Christmas. I still do. But I just haven't had anyone really special to spend it with until now; until you.
Um. Sorry about that. You probably didn't want to hear about that."

"No no!" I exclaimed. "I'm glad you told me." We both then realized that we were crying.

After a while, Levi chuckled. "Merry Christmas idiot."

"Merry Christmas punk"

"You know I'm so making you a cake now" he laugh and we hugged each other, not realizing the cold, or Mikasa taking pictures through the screen door.

Wow guys I cannot express how sorry I am. I tried so hard to get this done but so many things came up (good and bad) that I just couldn't. To try and gain forgiveness, I will update again within a week. If I don't please yell at me. Sorry again for such a belated (and probably crappy) chapter. Let me know what you think and sorry for the random feels in this fanfic. It most likely will not get sad again. Oh and the reason Levi seems really optimistic and talkative (which he usually isn't) is because (if you didn't catch it) he just really loves this holiday and it brings back a lot of happy memories for him.

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