Out of The Closet- Levi

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So now you know how we got together. What Erin didn't mention was how I got us kicked out of one or two places. Heh. I embarrassed him so much. He's cute when his face gets red. Like I giant tomato. Great now I'm hungry. Thanks a lot you dorks.

So during our road trip 'adventure' Jean got lost probably more times than there are people in France, Mikasa yelled at everyone (which I was not happy about. But this later resulted in her kicking me in the...lets just say shins.), and Erin and I establishing that yes, we are a couple, yes, we are gay, and if you stare at us weird, you can suck my ass. But according to my lovable brat, I was being slightly paranoid.

So among all of the places I 'overreacted' was in a coffee shop. It was like, 40 degrees (Fahrenheit cause Americans and their no Celsius, we have to be different rubbish) and I was like, hell no. It's cold. I want tea. So I dragged Eren into the nearest coffee shop.

"Levi wha-"
"Shush brat. Tea. Warmth. Now"
"Meet up with you guys later!" Eren yelled to the others. We finally made it inside (ok it may have been only like three feet away but it felt like forever) and the smell of coffee hit me like a wave. Fun fact: coffee smells good, tastes good, but is no where near tea. Earl grey, peppermint, chamomile, must I go on? So we walk in and got on line.

Then I realized we were still holding hands. Now, I'm new to this 'out of the closet' crap, so to speak, and I'm not exactly the best at displaying emotions in general but, for this brat I will. I will hold is d*mn hand and I'm gonna f*cking like it. Then. I saw someone.

A kid. Staring at us. And I thought, "great. Just great. I knew I'd get weird looks. I freakin' knew.' So I did the first thing that came tony mind. I, Levi Ackerman, flipped off a 5-year old kid.

"Levi," Eren whispered in my ear, "that's a 5-yeah old kid."

"I don't f*cking care" I whispered back. Now, everything would have been fine and I would've got my tea if the mother hadn't have seen me. And, like all annoying people, flipped out. Yeah. I flipped off your kid. It's not like they know what it means. This last part was supposed to be in my head, but apparently didn't stay there.

So, that's the story of how I got us kicked out of a coffee shop. Hehe. Eren was so embarrassed. >:D
Oh and brat, it's been autocorrecting your name to 'Erin'. And it accepts mine as correct. Just thought I'd let you know. Iamthesuperiorofalldontyouchallengemejäeger

Well that was fun to write! I hope you guys had as much fun reading it! I've seen a huge spike in people reading this over the past two days. You guys are awesome! Thank you so much!! I promise more updates when I get new glasses and, you know, can see. Love ya all ❤️😊

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