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Zane's POV:

I grabbed some gauze and wrapped it around Jay's cuts,he winced but didn't move his arm.I don't care if blood is prickling down to my floor boards "I'm sorry..." "why are you sorry?It's okay it's not your fault! and remember you're not supposed to be talking" he points to the blood on the floor."Hey,I don't mind! I can also clean it later" i kissed him on the mouth for this first time...

I pulled away quickly because I might have made him uncomfortable but he was red as this : 

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I pulled away quickly because I might have made him uncomfortable but he was red as this : 

I pulled away quickly because I might have made him uncomfortable but he was red as this : 

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"Sorry,I should've asked...." I said while looking down "No..it's okay....Ow!"He managed to smile.I was focusing on Jay's soft lips but he noticed and asked "Do you wanna kiss my lips" while laughing,"Yes" I told the truth. He started laughing but then stopped holding his ribs,  I also wrapped gauze around his waist. "it hurts.." "It will feel better soon" I kiss him on the cheek "ok...buh bye" "I'm gonna come back!" I walk in the dinning room to grab food for us "Is he doing better" "Yes" "tell him I said to get better" "Will do Kai" I grab 2 plates and stacked Jay's fav food like shrimp,steak and more while I wanted some porridge."Hey I got your favourite honey" "Awww thanks.....but I can only eat soft food,sorry babe" I offer my plate of porridge to him and he gladly accept and kissed me "Thank you " He smiles while eating.He looks cute,I was staring into that beautiful face of his- "Wuht?"(His mouth is full) "Nothing " I let out a chuckle."*Slurp* whut do *swallow* I have something on my face?" I let out a laugh "No honey,Your face is....beautiful"I smiled at him and saw his face turning red "Stop!!!" I laugh even more "Stop *wheeze* What?" *laughs* "flirting..." he mumbles,"I thought you like flirting" I said laughing "Yeah..but you're making me red on purpose!" He said while covering his face "You love birds it's movie night!" "do you wanna go watch" I asked "I don't know,I'll go if you go" I got up and lifted Jay up so I can carry him

Cole's POV:

It was movie night one of my fav nights.I got the bean bags,blankets,ect,Nya got the movie ready to play and Lloyd got the snacks. Kai went to call Zane and Jay,a few seconds later I saw Zane carrying Jay while Jay was laughing,"Hello friends." Hey Zane" "Cole!Tell him to put me down!" I laughed and Nya was giggling."Alr you guys I'm back!The great Kai is back! now let's start" "wait where's Lloyd?" Zane asked "He went to buy snacks so we have to wait." "aww man." I said "it's okay babe! " "Ha,thanks kai-" *POW* I fell to the floor and grabbed myself a pillow to fight back "PILLOW WAR" Nya annoucens.

Lloyd's POV:

I was walking to the nearest 7-11 store when I saw a black haired guy cornering a white haired guy.I walked past and heard :"Give me everything Lunalilo" "Get off of me!"  The black hair dude pulled out some sort of pocket knife,I grabbed the knife,threw it on the concrete  and I push the idiot guy off the white hair dude, "Yo what the fuck?-" He turns and froze but quickly leaves. "Hey thanks." "No problemo " I smiled "Name is Lloyd" I reached out my hand and he shook my hand too "Nice to meet you Lloyd,i'm....Snow" I think he forced a smile but I ignored it. "Hey if you ever need me, Call me" I said helpfully and gave him a piece of paper. "Oh thanks Lloyd" he smiled and tucked the paper in his jeans, "Hey me and my friends are gonna have a movie,do you wanna join" I chuckled knowing that he's probably gonna say no-I mean like I just met him,in my shock he said "I mean i'm free...So yeah" "Oh-I didn't think you would-Nvm I'm gonna go buy some snacks" "Cool" We both talked while buying some snacks.


Kai's POV:

We watched the news and heard the Royal Prince of Ninjago city was missing and the guards were searching for him. We heard the door open and saw Lloyd with this white haired dude, at first I didn't know who he was but Zane said "Lloyd you do acknowledge That is Lunalilo...Hearth, right? " "What?" "The missing prince of the Royal Hearth Family!! " Cole screamed , I smacked him because he was behind me and that mf screams like a baby. "Owww...." "No, His name is Snow!" Lloyd protested but we showed him the news "Ohhhh....I never saw what the prince looked like but only heard of him!" Lloyd said in defense. "We have to take him back!" Jay yelled and I smacked him too "OW! KAI" "Shut up before I smack you again",Lloyd turns to Lunalilo "Well do you want to be dropped off?" Lloyd answers. "Nah I ran away for my own reasons"  Lunalilo replied to Lloyd's question, "Hey guys-" Nya dropped the movie dvd to the floor and yelled "IS THAT LUNALILO?!" I smacked her and she retaliated with a scream:"KAI!" "Stop screaming" I said to her with annoyance and rolled my eyes. "Is it okay if he can join the movie night?" Lloyd said, "Sure,why not?" I shrugged and sitted down

Lunalilo POV:

I sat down with Lloyd and grew bored pretty quickly, Lloyd got up and I whispered "where are you going?" "To my room,wanna come?" "sure I shrugged" and we both got up to go to his room, his room was pretty small compared to my room. "Hey are you gonna stay here for the night?" Lloyd asks "I mean if you guys are okay with that." I replied "You can sleep on my bed, I can sleep on the floor" "Thanks" I smiled and we got ready to go to bed. He gave me his clothes to wear and i'm not complaining. "Good night " he said and closed the light, He's bed was kind of comfy and warm so I fell asleep pretty fast.

Bro I'm finally done!!! Thank y'all for the support <3 bye pookies

-Lit up-(Lavashipping and technoshipping) Zane x Jay , Cole x KaiWhere stories live. Discover now