A/N: Good news and bad news

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So... I guess I got my motivation and ideas back???
Good news: I'll be finishing this book!(YAYYY🥳🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳)

But what's the bad news???????

Bad news: well I wanted to say it was an honor for all the readers who supported me and follow me and did all that stuff y'know?-but again, there's always a step back...to my grave😊

Well to say it properly....it was an honor making this book and how I'm dedicated to finish this up!!!

I'm so grateful and I can't express how I feel but...ok to the important part-what's the bad news you ask????........
.....................well I'm very disappointed when I figured out this news🫤...

Bro I was reading the pages I made and holy shat I want to kill myself💀
WHY AM I SO CRINGE?!!?!!?!!?

Jk there's no bad news lol,just wanted to say that cuz it's incomplete if I didn't say it🤷🏻‍♀️😃👍

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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