-Identity reveal-

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Author's POV:

"WHAT! YOUR ONLY TELLING ME THIS NOW?! BUT HOW?! AIN'T HE DEAD?!" Lloyd screams into Zane's face. "Who's dead?!" Sora asked sounding concerned "The prince of ninjago city I think..." Arin replied "What?" "Forget it- you live in impiruim city " Arin said while trying to kick one of the masked guys "You guys are slow!" Wyldfire announced as she proceeds to miss terribly. "Yeah...Might wanna work on your aim first instead of critizeing." Kai said, "RUN!" Jay screamed running out of the room and the others followed, "Why are we running?!" Sora asked "Dunno" Arin replied.

Jay's POV:

I remember seeing something floating behind us-maybe that's their base and if we can get to it, we might stop em. I ran until we were outside the bounty and I made a leap to the floating land, I almost slipped but pulled myself up. "C'mon guys! What are y'all waiting for?" I yelled out gesturing to come, "Yeah...L-look behind you first?" Arin suggested, There probably behind, right? I slowly turned and saw a claw coming my way so I hopped to the left side and ran for my life. I called out the others to hop on their base while I distract the enemies, I'm not kidding-they were really slow like really slow, "CAN U GUYS HURRY?-" I got hit and got back up and tried to hit the masked dude but nothing. 

Lloyd's POV:

"Okay-Sora, Arin, Kai and Me will go inside the temple and the others help Jay-GO now!" I said hoping to the other side while waiting for the other slowpokes to hurry, "CAN U GUYS HURRY?-" Jay yelled but got hit and finally Sora, Arin and Kai was on the floating island so we ran inside the temple only to be dumbfouned by a locked gate. "How do we open it?" Kai asked "I can try using my tech power if they use some sort of tech for the lock..." Sora suggested "Nah, I can melt it!" Kai butted in "But won't that take longer?" Sora said "Well no-it's a better Idea then yours!" Kai argued back and Sora argued back too, I tried separating them but they keep talking back to each other. "Guys! C'mon as a team-" "Guys, I picked the lock!Let's go inside now!" Arin said with a happy face cutting my sentence off "See simple as that!" I said to Kai and Sora scolding them . I stopped and examined the floor to see pressure plates and I stopped the others before they stepped on them "What?" Arin asked a bit confused "Careful- Traps " I said slowly stepping trying not to activate the trap "Leave it to me." Sora said using her tech power to jam the trap. While Sora was rigging the trap-a flying energy orb almost hit me, I dodged in time but Arin...eh I mean... if accidentally tripping counts as doging...I guess?

I grabbed a hold of Arin and helped him up We were going down the halls along with Sora and Kai running right beside me, "AGH-WHAT IS THAT?!" Arin exclaimed looking behind his shoulders "Cursed temple protectors- I think" I responded back 

"A what?" Sora asked "They protect the temple if anyone tried to- y'know" Kai said "Well- there must be a reason why it's here!" Sora yelled ducking down to doge the orbs "You're right...." I said examining the room, A gong- I tried to approach it but the protectors came flying at me and I manage to doge it in time "It's protecting-" before I can finish, it came flying at me sending me in the air and slamming me on the floor 

Author's POV:

"Y-yeah that looks like it hurts..." Arin said wincing. "Sora-see any tech?" Kai asked while shooting fire orbs but the orbs did nothing, Sora looked around for a bit "I don't think ancient temples have tech-" Sora got pinned to the wall by an axe(it got her clothes) "Sora!" Arin said trying to get to her but Kai stopped him "Arin- I don't think it's a good idea, Look Lloyd's knocked-" Kai got hit by one of the orbs and fell to the floor. "AHHH" Arin said ducking to doge the attacks "GUYS! I COULD REALLY USE YOUR HELP" Arin said running around screaming, Sora was trying to get the axe out but couldn't reach. "I guess it's up to me!" Arin picked up a random staff he found and threw it with all his anger, 


Arin's POV:

*Groan* huh? where the hell?! I looked around and saw one of the cat masked person-he looked more like the....I quickly got up and bowed down  "Lord Ros" I said, "Well, did the plan work Arin?" he said. I sighed "No-not yet! I just need time-" I said "TIME?! I've given you enough time! Lord Ros yelled "You only gave me a-" "I will give you 1 more week. Do it right" I nod my head and got teleported to the ninjas by uhh what's her name? Jordana? I think

Lilo's Pov:

 I took whatever was on my chest and for once I can breathe properly, I looked down and I was on a floating Island and saw this young short curled haired dude with a orange gi talking with a furry, "not them again..." I muttered to myself and hid behind a tree "Lord Ros" the young orange gi ninja guy said while bowing down "Well, did the plan work Arin?" Lord Ros said, guess his name is Arin? "No-not yet! I just need time-" "I will give you 1 more week. Do it right" lord Ros said cutting off Arin's sentence. Then he got teleported, I saw a sword and picked it up, "Search the whole area,I sense someone here" Lord Ros said, I got up ready to run when a sword was against my neck. I slowly look up and see..."Lloyd!" I whisper yell "Lilo? Uh W-why? Huh aren't- you" "I don't know but we need to run! now they're looking around-" "I'm sorry I can't trust you! You almost killed us." I have no clue what he's yapping about "What? How?!" I exclaimed. "Don't act stupid- you were working for them all along..." Lloyd said still not putting down the sword "What?! I'm so confused?!" I try to explain but got interrupted "Looks like Lloyd's here too." Lord Ros popped out of nowhere and threw a mallet at me and I being so cool and great was able to duck in time. Lloyd charges at Ros but Ros easily kicked him and sent him flying in the air-while in the air his sword goes flying and lands on the floor too far away for him to reach it in time. I stood there frozen but snapped out of it and charged to Lord Ros, I tried to slash him but I miss I mean like I don't really know how to hold a sword soo...

I get up and see a purple haired dude "Remember me?" he said leaning towards me, lifting up my chin with his yellow crusty fingernail smirking "No not really,I forgot ur name" I said genuinely "How?!" he said "WAIT I REMEMBER! PROPANE!" I yelled feeling happy, "That's a fucking gas chemical dumbass" "oh....I don't know then" I said pulling away from his DISGUSTING hand on my chin. "Bro can you not touch me with that finger nail-it's built so crooked and-and dirty and also so ugly-all offense" i said getting up and patting the dirt off of my-wait wtf am I wearing "Are you even listing?!" Propane said and I got a bit startled by his yelling "huh" I responded back. "I'm gonna kill you" "Nah-ever heard of plot amour?" "huh" "Hey readers-it's me the greatest,brilliant,handsome,pretty and yours truly- Lilo" "Who tf is you talking to?!" Mr.Propane said "nothing"


Bro this took so long bc they still haven't fixed the wifi sadly

-Lit up-(Lavashipping and technoshipping) Zane x Jay , Cole x KaiWhere stories live. Discover now