
36 1 0

~ You ~

It was awkward enough that we were walking in silence, but it was even more awkward the way we arrived at the small cafe and still hadn't said a word to each other. 

Sukuna walked behind me holding open the door before Yuuji spotted us and smiled brightly.

"Yo! You made it!" He called out waving his hand over to the booth near the window. We made our way over and Yuuji stood up hugging me gently before looking me over. "Y/n, I haven't seen you in forever girl how have you been?" (Where have you been loca? I'm sorry...)

As always Yuuji hadn't lost his smile. It made me happy to know that even after his father's death he was as happy as he always was. "Hi Yuuji, I've been good thank you." I said while hugging him back. 
Sukuna sighed and walked over to the table sitting down and looking over the menu. 

Okay then. Rude. 

I walked over and sat next to him as Yuuji started to talk introducing me to his friends. Megumi, I knew, he was a relative and I often saw him at family gatherings. Whenever Toji actually showed up. Then there was Nobara who was very sweet, but I could tell she could be a diva when the moment was right. 

Which was always. 

The conversation lasted a bit, but I soon looked over to Sukuna and realized he had been staring at me. "Hello?" I asked but he just looked back at the menu and ignored me. Throughout the whole time he would randomly give me a side eye but nothing else. 

Which was really starting to irritate me. I knew we hadn't been all the best of friends growing up, but it wasn't like he bullied me into never speaking to him again. Well...maybe a little but I was here now. I had accepted to talk to him, so now it was his turn.   


I called out but I received no response.

"Sukuna" I said a little more firmly, but he merely let out a little breath and continued to look at the menu. It was clear he was ignoring me now.

"Sukuna!" I gritted my teeth, finally he looked over and sighed "What do you want woman?" His eyes stared into mine before I finally spoke.
"Good, you are here, now why exactly did you ask to hang out?" I whispered over to him. He simply shrugged and put the menu down as he watched the waitress approach the table. 

"Is it wrong for me try to reconnect?"

"It is when I happen to have something you are desperate for." I spoke. I saw his expression irk in irritation before glancing at me. "You are really desperate for my attention right now, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes and looked back to the three friends.  I heard him chuckle before finally speaking up as the waitress reached out table and began taking our orders. Afterwards he didn't look at me anymore. 

We finished lunch and while Nobara and Megumi left, Yuuji, Sukuna, and me stayed back. Yuuji and I caught up after all these years of being on our own paths. "So, what do you do now?" He asked enthusiastically. 

"I actually still go to school; I'm getting a degree in Psychology." I smiled and Yuuji clapped. "You always said you were going to be like your mother. Still after that dream huh?" I nodded and smiled.


Sukuna scoffed and took a sip of his drink. "I figured you'd be a housewife by now." 

 "Congratulations for beating that expectation by the way." his smirk irked me, but I didn't say anything. "And I figured you'd already be someone's baby daddy, but I figure that's not the case."

He choked on his drink and Yuuji burst out laughing. 

"Watch your mouth." 

"How about you watch yours?" 

As we locked eyes there was a type of tension between us. I wasn't sure what, but it certainly was more than it had been a couple seconds ago. For a few seconds I watched as his eyes trailed down to my lips and then back to my eyes before leaving my view entirely. 
"I have something to do. I already paid the tab." 

The screeching of the chair broke me from the trance and all I saw was his back as he walked off. 

Yuuji was watching me slightly surprised. "What was that-??" He asked having witnessed it all and utterly shocked. "What was what?" I asked looking back to him. "Sukuna and you? I have never seen him so worked up."

I scoffed and grabbed my drink. "That can't be true. Sukuna gets riled up for anything, especially when it comes to boxing." Yuuji shook his head before laying his head on his hand. "Nope. The only other time I saw him as riled up was with his ex, Uraume." I furrowed my eyebrows before leaning a bit closer. 

"An ex? How come I never heard of this before?"

Yuuji clapped his hands and then pointed at me. "Right, this was during the time when we had recently gone our separate ways. Anyhow, Sukuna met Uraume his freshman year of college and they hit it off right away. I had never seen him so infatuated."

"She was the one who ever got close to getting him on his knees, but he stood firm." 

I nodded and continued to listen intently. "But around their Junior year, she cheated on him with some Sophomore, or at least that's what he managed to blabber out when he told me. He was so angry that he broke his phone that night." 

My eyes widened. This girl, had caught the attention of who in no way can I deny, is attractive, and still managed to fumble that bad? Holy shit...

"No shit really?" Yuuji nodded and chuckled as he leaned back in his chair. "Exactly. But that tension, that little moment there. It's something that before Uraume I saw maybe once. Which was with you, but back then we were too young to say it was really anything. Especially with home much he adored to tease you."

"I remember that. He was always after me when it came to our group. You, his little brother, you'd expect him to tease you more." 

He laughed and nodded. "Very true." He sighed and looked down at his phone. "Well, I have to get going but I loved getting to catch up. Catch you later Y/n, also stay hot." He joked before waving me and leaving.

Chuckling I grabbed my bag and got ready to leave before I felt someone stand behind me. 

"Why, hello there."

"What's a pretty lady like you doing alone?" 

His voice was smooth and silk-like. With a small movement I glanced over and my eyes met with his. 

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