A familiar encounter

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"What's a pretty girl like you doing all by yourself?"

I turned back and came face to face with some of the bluest eyes I had ever seen. The man had white as snow hair and a small smile on his face as he gazed down at me. Beside him I could see a man with long black hair and a glare being directed at the white-haired man. His expression read of annoyance and exhaustion. As I looked at him, I swear I recognized him from somewhere. In fact, the better words for that are that both of them seemed rather familiar.

Before I could say anything, the black-haired man spoke, his voice clear and laced with an irritated tone.

"Leave her alone Gojo, she clearly isn't interested." He sighed.

The white-haired man, Gojo, turned and just gave him a shrug. "It's not bad to try Suguru. She could be interested. Anyhow, what's your name miss?" He turned back and lifted my hand to his lips placing a small kiss.

I blushed before responding. "My name is Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you." I answered taking back my hand from his grasp and standing up. Suguru stepped over and slightly pushed him out of the way. "Sorry for him. He has a bad habit of ignoring social cues. I'm Geto Suguru and this is my friend Gojo Satoru."

He bowed his head politely before it finally clicked where I had seen him from. Both of them.

Their families were closely related in business. Gojo was from the Gojo Clan, the only family that could be said was more powerful than the very Zenins' and Geto was from a lesser-known family but still strong in their own right due to his work.

I let out a little chuckle before shaking my head. "It's no problem really. I can tell he's a bit of a flirt. It's in his eyes." Geto laughed and nodded his head before looking at him.

Gojo gasped dramatically before leaning back and landing on Geto. He grunted catching the man and giving me an exhausted sigh. "He can be a handful, but he means well. It's lovely meeting you Y/n, but if I may ask. Do you happen to be part of the Zenin Family?"

He asked curiously shoving the white-haired man off him. I nodded and tilted my head to the side a bit. "Yeah, I am. What's the interest for?"

I knew of people who often found me curious or familiar, but it was slightly surprising to come across someone who knew me right from the start.

He smiled and clapped his hands together. "I happen to be meeting with them at a later date, it will be nice to have a familiar face to approach while in the home of a powerful family." I gave him a sympathetic smile before speaking. "Oh, well I promise it's not as intimidating as it seems. Naoya might be a little less than tolerable, and he compensates for...well quite a lot with a rough attitude but if you have a charming personality, you'll win him over."

Geto bowed his head politely again.

"I'll make sure to take note, but I'll reel back to Gojo's question. Why are you alone? I mean no shame if this is your style but...?"

Shaking my head I motioned to the door where a certain someone had been watching for a bit. "I had come in with a group, but they all had to leave. He came with me, so I guess he still waiting." Geto looked over and nodded noticing the man and looking back. "Well, I let you go then. See you later Ms. Zenin." He winked and grabbed Gojo from the floor.

I waved and walked over to the door; Sukuna was leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets. He had an expression I wasn't sure how to label. He seemed annoyed but also...jealous? I didn't really put much more thought into it as he turned and began walking. I ran over a bit catching up to him.

"Were you waiting the whole time?"

I asked but he didn't respond, he continued walking. "Hey, at least say something?" I asked getting tired of his constant silent treatment. "I don't have anything to say to you."

"Then why did you ask me to join you for lunch?"

As if someone had flipped a switch I finally snapped. "I had to expect you weren't going to be different. You are just as cold and rude as you were then!!" I huffed looking at the ground before Sukuna' s hand grabbed my chin. "You know damn well I am not doing this because I am different. You know what I need from you. Quit playing games Y/n, give me the damn keys for my home, my catacombs, and my inheritance."

His voice was sharp and quick, each word dripped with malice as his eyes bore into mine. "Let go of me Sukuna, I won't hesitate to scream!" I snarled back shoving him off of me. He let out a small 'tch' before stepping back away from me. "Your father was right about your attitude. You'll never change." I said trying to sooth my aching chin.

He didn't say anything before looking back. Full expecting him to insult me again he suddenly changed the topic completely. "You seemed awfully happy to see that guy. Do you know him?"

"I don't think that concerns you, does it?" I commented as I continued walking. Watching as I left, he followed behind. "Everything about you concerns me when you have something I want." He said non enthusiastically. Clearly, the keeper of the keys has to be guarded in one way or another.

"Too bad those keys will seemingly always be in my possession huh?" I smirked as his eye twitched. God, I loved to see him angry.

"I take back my words from earlier."

I stopped and turned to him. "Pardon?"

"I told Yuuji, you'd probably still be a little weak girl...but it seems like I was sorely mistaken." He stepped closer before looking down directly into my eyes once more. "But don't take that as a compliment you stubborn woman. I'll get what I want in due time. Then you'll have to be very careful were you tread with me." He threatened before finally turning and leaving.

I flipped him off before looking over where I was now.

I had been so distracted with our argument that I hadn't even noticed that we had made it back to my home. I looked over to the gate designed with a "Z" for Zenin and then back at his fading figure down the road.

"He still remembers..."

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