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With a sense of purpose, Major Faye and her team set off into the rugged terrain, Alice leading the way with a spring in her step. As they navigate the winding paths of the mountains, their spirits remain high, united by a shared sense of adventure and determination.

With Alice's infectious enthusiasm lighting the way, Major Faye and her team press forward, ready to face whatever challenges the mountains may have in store for them.

As the patrol progresses through the rugged terrain of the mountains, Alice's excitement reaches new heights. With each step she takes, she finds herself marveling at the towering peaks and majestic vistas that surround them, her heart filled with wonder and awe.

ALICE (singing, with joy):

Oh, the mountains rise so high,

In the endless,

Open sky.

With every step, a new delight,

In this land of wondrous might

Her voice carries through the crisp mountain air, a melody of joy and discovery that lifts the spirits of her fellow soldiers. They listen with smiles on their faces, appreciating the simple beauty of Alice's song amidst the rugged landscape.

SOLDIER 1: Here we go again

SOLDIER 2: Well, I suppose it's all new to her. Can't blame her for being excited.

Major Faye watches Alice with a mixture of amusement and affection, her heart warmed by the young soldier's infectious enthusiasm. Despite the challenges they face, moments like these remind her of the beauty and wonder that still exist in the world.

MAJOR FAYE: Keep singing, Alice. Your joy is contagious.

Encouraged by Major Faye's words, Alice continues to sing as they journey deeper into the heart of the mountains, her voice a beacon of light in the midst of their mission.

As they navigate the winding paths and rocky terrain, Major Faye and her team find solace and strength in the simple joys of camaraderie and discovery, united by the shared experience of exploring the untamed beauty of the mountains.

Alice walk in front of them, Major Faye raises her weapon and fires, the shot ringing out in the crisp mountain air. Her eyes trained on a tree branch overhead where a deadly snake had been lurking. The snake falls lifeless to the ground, fell from the tree right next to Alice

ALICE: Major Faye, you... you saved me.

Major Faye rushes to Alice's side, her expression filled with concern as she checks for any signs of injury.

MAJOR FAYE: Are you alright, Alice?

Alice shakes her head, her breath coming in short gasps as she realizes how close she came to danger.

ALICE: No, I'm fine. Thank you, Major Faye. You saved my life.

Major Faye offers Alice a reassuring smile, her relief palpable as she takes in the sight of her unharmed.

MAJOR FAYE: Just doing my duty, Alice. We have to look out for each other out here. you have to be careful, not only with enemies but also with wild animals.

As the day draws to a close and the patrol returns to their campsite, a sense of relief washes over Major Faye and her team. With the threat of danger behind them, they set about preparing for a well-deserved evening of rest and relaxation.

Together, they gather firewood and arrange it into a makeshift bonfire, the crackling flames casting a warm glow over the campsite. The soldiers work together with practiced efficiency, their movements synchronized as they set up camp for the night.

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