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As the first light of dawn filters into the tent, Alice stirs from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to find herself alone. Confusion clouds her mind for a moment as she realize Major Faye is no longer beside her.

ALICE: (softly, to herself) Major Faye?

With a furrowed brow, Alice sits up, scanning the tent in search of any sign of Major Faye. But the space beside her remains empty, and a sense of longing washes over her as she realize that Major Faye has left before she woke up.

Despite the pang of disappointment, Alice takes a deep breath and reminds herself of the realities of their situation. With a determined spirit, she gathers her belongings and prepares to face the day ahead, knowing that duty calls and there are tasks to be done.

With a sense of urgency, Alice emerges from the tent, her eyes scanning the campsite for any sign of Major Faye. Spotting a group of soldiers nearby, she hastens over to them, her heart pounding with worry.

ALICE: (approaching the soldiers) Excuse me, have any of you seen Major Faye?

Soldier 1 looks up, noting the concern etched on Alice's face. He exchanges a glance with the others before responding.

SOLDIER 1: Major Faye? Oh, she's out practicing shooting.

ALICE: (eyes widening in relief) Shooting practice? Where can I find her?

Soldier 2 gestures towards the firing range, a short distance away.

SOLDIER 2: Just head over to the firing range. She should be there.

ALICE: (nodding gratefully) Thank you.

Alice hurries towards the firing range, her steps quick and determined. As she approaches, she spots Major Faye standing alone, her focus intent on the target in front of her. Taking a deep breath to steel herself, Alice approaches Major Faye, her heart racing with anticipation.

ALICE: (tentatively) Major Faye?

Major Faye turns at the sound of Alice's voice, surprise flickering across her features as she sees Alice approaching.

MAJOR FAYE: Alice? What are you doing here?

ALICE: (gently) I... I wanted to apologize. For what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to tease you or make you uncomfortable. I crossed a line, and I'm truly sorry.

Major Faye regards Alice with a mixture of curiosity and concern, her brow furrowing slightly as she listens to Alice's words.

MAJOR FAYE: (softly) It's alright, Alice. There's no need to apologize.

ALICE: (earnestly) But there is. I shouldn't have assumed anything or pressured you into anything you weren't ready for. I understand if you're upset with me.

Major Faye's expression softens at Alice's sincerity, a warmth spreading through her as she realize the depth of Alice's remorse.

MAJOR FAYE: (placing a hand on Alice's shoulder) I'm not upset, Alice. I appreciate your honesty. And I want you to know that I... I care about you too.

ALICE: (eyes widening) You do?

MAJOR FAYE: (nodding) Yes. You've shown me kindness and understanding since the moment we met. And despite everything, I can't deny that there's something special between us.

Alice's heart swells with hope at Major Faye's words, a smile tugging at her lips as she takes a step closer to her.

ALICE: (softly) I love you, Major Faye. And I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us.

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