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As the weight of Major Faye's words sinks in, General Steve and Captain Alvin exchange a grave glance, understanding the gravity of the situation and then they called all the officers to enter the room.

General Steve stands at the head of the room, surrounded by high-ranking officers. The atmosphere is tense as they gather to strategize in the face of the escalating crisis. Major Faye stands among them, her expression determined as she awaits the General's instructions.

GENERAL STEVE: (authoritatively) Thank you all for coming. As you're aware, we're facing a critical situation. It has come to our attention that a third party is manipulating the tensions between our nations, and they have abducted Alice, a crucial asset in uncovering the truth.

The officers exchange concerned glances, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on their shoulders. They listen intently as General Steve outlines the plan of action.

GENERAL STEVE: (continuing) Our priority is to locate the enemy's whereabouts and secure Alice's safe return. We'll deploy specialized teams to track down any leads and gather intelligence on the enemy's movements.

With a sense of urgency, General Steve assigns tasks to each officer, delegating responsibilities and coordinating efforts to combat the unseen threat.

GENERAL STEVE: (firmly) Time is of the essence. We must act swiftly and decisively to protect our nations and bring Alice.

MAJOR FAYE: (to herself, resolute) We will find you, Alice. I won't rest until you're safe.

General Steve stands at the head of the room, surrounded by a large map displaying various strategic points and potential enemy locations. He addresses the assembled officers, their faces reflecting a mixture of determination and resolve.

GENERAL STEVE: (authoritatively) Assemble the teams. We have no time to waste. "Black Panther," "Eagle Eyes," and "The Bulls" must work seamlessly together to ensure the success of this mission.

Major Faye stands beside General Steve, her gaze focused and steely as she prepares to lead her team into action. The members of "Black Panther" stand at attention behind her, ready to follow her command.

MAJOR FAYE: (commanding) "Black Panther," you know your mission. Our objective is clear: rescue Alice at all costs. Move swiftly and efficiently, and leave no stone unturned.

The members of "Black Panther" nod in understanding, their determination matching that of their leader.

GENERAL STEVE: (continuing) "Eagle Eyes," your duty is crucial. Under the leadership of Major Lee, gather intelligence on the enemy's movements and provide support to "Black Panther" as needed.

Major Lee steps forward, his expression focused as he prepares to lead his team into action.

MAJOR LEE: (assertively) "Eagle Eyes," we have a vital role to play. Let's gather as much information as we can and ensure the success of our mission.

The officers assigned to "Eagle Eyes" nod in acknowledgment, their expressions serious as they prepare to embark on their surveillance mission.

GENERAL STEVE: (firmly) And "The Bulls," under the command of Captain Alvin, remain on high alert. Anticipate any unforeseen obstacles and be prepared to intervene if necessary.

Captain Alvin steps forward, his gaze steely as he addresses his team.

CAPTAIN ALVIN: (resolutely) "The Bulls," our task is to ensure the safety of our comrades and the success of this mission. Stay vigilant and be ready to act at a moment's notice.

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