Chapter one

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I'm not good at English and I tried to make someone saying with their personalities, so yeah. Sorry.

An old man have white hair with black hair but a little, his name is Byron. he was trying to make the new potions like poison, healing and others types of potions. He felt something was behind him, He turned around and he saw the glowing light in front of him.

Byron covered his eyes with his hand, the glowing light slowly disappeared. He finally uncovered his eyes, but he saw a girl kneels down on the floor, her black hair with white highlights covered her eyes, she have a sword in the white sheath, her body looks like it have badly injuries.

A girl wearing an odd jacket-looking, she wears a black dress with white buttons, there was something wrapped around her neck. Byron walked slowly towards a girl and he crouch down, he noticed that the girl was breathing, which means she's alive.

Byron noticed there was a snake wrapping around her neck and it's eyes closed. "Odd, is this snake's owner is this girl?" Byron's thought as he picked a girl's body and he placed on the bed, he immediately started to treated (I think?) her injuries.

(I have like no idea what am I doing with my life.)

Y/N Iguro's version

Y/N opened her eyes and she noticed this place looks different, she felt something wrapping her neck, she saw Kaburamaru wrapping her neck while sleeping, she smiled and patting Kaburamaru's head.

Y/N looked down and noticed her body even her right eye bandaged. "Eh? How did my body and my right eye bandaged? Did someone help me?" Y/N's thought while noticed she was laying down on the bed.

"So, you awake?" a voice said as Y/N flinched, she saw an old man have white hair with black hair a little, he was holding the two cups of tea, she quickly back away from him. "Calm down, I know you're very confused. I can explain this situation." An old man said calmly, Y/N was not sure if she gonna trust him but she decided to trust him.

"Before I can explain this situation, my name is Byron. And you?" An old man named Byron said and he asked Y/N about her name, Y/N grab a cup of tea and she drank it. ".......... Y/N... Y/N Iguro......" She said. "...... I see...... I can explain this situation......." Byron continued to explaining to Y/N about the situation or something happened.

After Byron explained, Y/N noticed the place looks different or odd. "Mr. Byron? Can I have a question?" She asked. "What is it?" He said. "What years is it now?" Y/N asked, Byron raised his eyebrows like he was confused, but he answered. "20**, Why?" (I'm not sure if I type this correctly.) Byron answered confusedly.

Y/N was very confused for she heard what Byron said about the year. "Wait...... What?" She said confusedly. "Is there something wrong?" Byron asked for Y/N.

"Isn't it supposed to be Taisho era?" Y/N said confusedly as Byron was shocked. "Huh?" He said.

I'm sorry if this is short or I'm late, because I was too busy to finishing the homeworks I didn't finish those.

I can feel my body's bones were hurting because I had been sitting on the chair, my back and my hands were hurting right now. I seriously had the worst days ever.

I want or need a break so badly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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