Next to You ❤️

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Author's POV :

They all boarded the bus and soon started to find a suitable seat for them. Tanu sat in front while her other friends settled at the back and when they asked her to join them , she refused as she wanted the window seat so she gets sometime alone to calm herself ! But only if she knew that she's not gonna have peace soon !

Tanu's POV :

We all got settled into the bus and I quickly grabbed the window seat so as to enjoy the cool breeze which will eventually calm my mind which I needed the most after seeing that JAGALGANTH here ! Oh now you must be wondering who this Jagalganth might be? So let me tell you it's the same boy who is the new student of our college and I gave him this special name which means a person who always fights ! Perfect name isn't it ? So let's not talk about him and focus on the trip !
All of my friends settled at the back to enjoy and also requested me to join them , but I was in no mood so I politely declined them so they too didn't forced me as they knew there was no point in arguing with me when my mood is not that great. So the seat besides me was empty but I didn't cared about that and started gazing the scenario out of the window.....

Author's POV :

Soon , the bus gets filled and was about to start as the teachers too entered in ! Tanu was so lost in her thoughts , that she didn't realized what is happening around ! She realizes there is someone sitting besides her but she was least bothered to look who's that !


So , Today Is my first day of the new college and it's the Picnic day ! I didn't wished to join but the teachers asked me to do so as It will be easy for me to interact and make new friends. So as it's my first day I didn't wanted to get late. I was walking as fast as I can but by mistake I bumped into someone ! I was in a hurry , so I didn't noticed who was the person I bumped to and just saying a quick sorry was about to leave when that person started to yell at me ! I was like seriously ? Was this the only thing in the morning that has to happen with me when I am anxious about the new journey ? The person was blabbering what not which irked me as well so I too answered her in equal anger ! But her friend was wise enough to stop us and let me go ! I gave her a glare and left from there praying in my mind that never to meet her again ! After seeing her I gave her a name exactly suiting her and that's LADAKU VIMAN ehich means Fighter Jet.

After reaching the college , I can see many eyes looking at me with various expressions , but I chose to ignore and stand at a corner as I didn't knew anyone ! After sometime the teachers arrived and started giving the instructions and I can see no one was interested in it ! Soon after the instruction session was done , the teacher called me in front , introducing me in front of everyone , asked them to help me cover the syllabus and be my friends ! I could see many faces with different emotions , but that one face caught my attention and I felt rooted at the spot after seeing HER here ! Yes yes the same LADAKU VIMAN ! Oh Kanha Ji , why she's here in the same college ? I can see she was equally shocked to see me here !

Soon everyone started to board the bus and I was the last one as I was talking with some teachers there. As I entered into the bus , I saw the bus was almost full and hardly I could find an empty seat ! Oh God.(*sighing)
I was searching for a seat when I found a seat empty and I was so happy that finally I got some place to sit , but as my eyes averted to the person sitting on the next seat , looking out of the window and lost in her thoughts , I was scared ! Yes you heard it right , I was scared.... because the person was none other than the Mahan fighter jet and it would be good for me if I don't sit besides her as I really don't have the strength to fight with her again ! Oh God why am I meeting her again and again when I least wish for it. I was just standing there looking at the seat and in a battle with my mind wether to sit or not , the teachers entered the bus and asked me to settle down as the bus will start soon ! So having no option left as it was the only empty seat , I settled there and soon our journey started ! I hope she don't start fighting again !!!

Author's POV :

As the bus started , the cool breeze started hitting her face which was really calming her nerves ! She was so lost in enjoying the view and the wind that she didn't bothered to look who's besides her. After sometime of peaceful journey , she decided to look inside the bus and as she turned her face , her eyes first fell on the person sitting besides her with earpods on and resting his head on the seat. She was so shocked to see him and angry at the same time. She shaked him by his arm and when he looked at her she yelled , Tummmmmmm ! Yaha kya Kar rhe ho ?
(*Youuuuuuuuu ! What are you doing here ?)


As the journey proceeded , I thought of having a look at my friends so I just turned my head and saw the person sitting besides me. I was so shocked and angry seeing the face which I never wished to see again was sitting besides me ! So I was right , these boys , they only needs chance to be close and talk to girls. Huh ! Pan hyala Kai vatla me baaki Mulin sarkhi aahe ka ? Ajeebat nahi ! Hyala tar me aata dakhavte.
(*But what does he think that I am like those other girls ? Huh , no way ! I will show him now.)

I shaked him by his arm and when he looked at me I just yelled at him. I can see him surprised by my sudden outburst ! Haha that's fun !! But I maintained my serious face and asked him in a stern voice WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ? To which he very innocently replied "I actually boarded the bus late and this was the only empty seat so the teacher asked me to settle here". That time I felt aaye he's so cute but also mentally slapped my mind for thinking this ! Okie he was genuine but I loved fighting with him. So I started to say random things like you boys are like this and I know you all very well and blah blah ! And then he too got angry and started fighting back with me equally! Oh God this is so much fun !

We kept fighting for sometime then as I was feeling tired I just went silent all of a sudden saying , "DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO I DONT WANT TO WASTE MY ENERGY ON YOU ! JAGALGANTH".

And I can see him confused with what I just said ! But when he said , "who even wants to talk to you , LADAKU VIMAN". that's when I realized he too has given me a name as I gave him ! Hnn interesting !
There fight is so cute ! 🤭
they have given nicknames to each other !
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