Forty four

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Kik group chat name: suck my ass

Dilsdad: Gladly.

Bigplanetpj: For fucks sake who named this?!

Bigplanetpj: Chris!

Chrxs: Don't look at me it wasn't me this time!!!

Dilsdad: well it wasn't me

Bigplanetpj: And it wasn't me

Chrxs: No fooking way

Winston: It was in the spur of the moment guys leave me alone

Chrxs: Pls tell me that's Phil

Dilsdad: That's Phil, he's the only one obsessed with the name Winston

Winston: Can we lay off the subject of the group name

Chrxs: oh hellll to the noooo, Phil Lester you have some explaining to do young man

Bigplanetpj: Go to your room!

Winston: ;-;

Dilsdad: Oh and change your name you dork

Philipa: Ok

Dilsdad: ... anything but that jfc

Chrxs: I refuse to believe that Phil named this group chat

Dilsdad: He's really not as innocent as he seems Chris, trust me

Chrxs: Well no shit he's the one that literally sucks your ass but that's for another story kids. I am just not used to a vulgar Philip

Bigplanetpj: Chris stfu he's 28 you can't expect him to be a child

Chrxs: I didn't say that!

Philipa: Leave him alone Peej it's fine

Chrxs: Thx Phil

Philipa: ^-^

Dilsdad: Can we do something besides talk about random crap and phan

Chrxs: who said we were going to talk about phan (greatest ship in the world btw) what

Dilsdad: smh

Philipa: suck my hand!!!!

Bigplanetpj: Omg

Chrxs: is that a kink u guys have or??

Philipa: Why don't we tell a story?

Dilsdad: And here we have eight year old Phil

Chrxs: OMG YES I wanna start!!!!

Bigplanetpj: This is making me so happy omg

Philipa: Go for it Chris!

Chrxs: There once was a lonely puppy who had no friends and his life sucked

Dilsdad: This is already so depressing

Philipa: I'll continue it- um but then one day a kitten came along and the puppy was like "I wanna be friends with the kitten but it won't ever notice me"

Bigplanetpj: So the puppy did everything to get the kittens attention as all he wanted was to be friends

Dilsdad: I can see where this is going pls someone change this

Philipa: Then the kitten noticed the puppy's attempts and soon enough they became best friends!

Chrxs: They then went on to have butt secks bc the puppy and kitten was a metaphor for Dan and Phil Le end

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