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"I was just coming to check on you." Hana said and Caesar threw a note pad at her.

"Get the fuck out my house." He said weakly.

He couldn't even yell.

"What the fuck?" She said picking up the pad and its scattered pages.

"You almost fuckin killed me." He said holding onto the wall.

He was going through it.

Since his heart attack he was told to take it easy and that meant no drugs. Caesar hadnt been sober since. 5 days of sobriety meant 5 days of withdrawal and for him it had been bad. Years of drug use had plagued his body.

"I- I told you to becareful. No one would think you would try to do it all at once." She said and he looked at her with pure hate.

"Get the fuck out my house Hana." He said and she looked at him.

The hurt on her face was evident.

"Fine you fuckin junkie." She said storming out and bumping into Lilly as she left.

Lily looked at Hana with disgust before turning back to her brother.

Like Caesar she had icy blue eyes. Looking at them it was easy to see they were siblings but they looked different. His curly mane was in purse contrast to her long blonde hair. Her soft features were in no way similar to Casears with her thin lips, peachy skin and small stature.

"That was your drug dealer?" Lily asked bluntly.

She was like that with her brother, always had been.

There was no need to beat around the bush when she knew all her families dark s.            

"A friend." He sat down and she watched.

"Thought it was a new girlfriend the way she cried." Lily said taking a seat.

"What do you want Lily?" He sighed at the sight of her.

"Well I guess my visit was unexpected." She said casually.

She normally only came for important business mattters. She didnt even bother to show up at the hospital. None of his family did. After being released discreetly he came home. Of course online he got a lot of love, concern, even prayers but his family, as usual remained silent,

"Grandpa wants you to go to rehab." She said and he looked at her scoffing.

Caesar couldnt believe what he was hearing.

"Me go to rehab?" He scoffed once more.

"That is if you plan on releasing your next album?" She said and he stared at her.

"My album is set for release next month." He said and she nodded.

"It is but if you're not out of rehab by then it will be shelved." She said and he shook his head.

"What? You can do that." He said sitting forward.

"I cant but grand daddy can." She said and her southern accent was all to prominent.

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