Things just got a little more interesting

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"So a nigga invite to his first award party and you go out of your way to ignore him?" Kold chuckled as he walked into his studio.

Eden turned looking caught.

She hadn't been doing anything she was sitting in there all by herself.

There were people everywhere, he knew since he spent most of his time looking for Eden among the crowd.

30 minutes of scanning security cameras to see her sitting alone on her phone in the studio curled up on the couch inside.

"I'm sorry the party is amazin I-" She paused suddenly feeling shy.

Here stood Kold standing a little over 6 feet looking down into her eyes.

Eden cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry. I did know we had a party to go to tonight so i kinda mixed up my schedule and missed out on an opportunity. I am enjoying myself just a lot on my mind." She said swallowing feeling nervous.

It was as if he was looking through her she thought.

"I'm sorry."Kold nodded and flopped down taking a seat next to her.

"Do you wanna-" He started and she shook her head.

"I dont wanna talk about it." She said not wanting to worry about her upcoming bills at a party.

It was obvious he was showing her he was interested in her but just didnt get why.

It seemed to be a cruel joke.

"So you dont like to party like you said in your interview?" He asked and she chuckled.

"Are you stalkin me?" She said sitting her phone down and actually looking at him.

She wish she hadnt because she was tipsy and looking at him she wanted nothing more to climb all over him.

"Na but I wanted to know as much as I could about you.. well until you decided to tell me." He said and she looked at him intrigued.

"Now your girls, they party." He said and she laughed, that was true.

"I think shorty ass smokin." He said and she was sure he meant Kamila.

"And tha light one doin coke." He said surprised.

Eden knew he meant Dream.

She looked innocent but she was far from it.

"Okay dont think a nigga weird but why it seem like ol girl gotta problem wit you?" Kold asked and Eden chuckled.

She knew he was still referring to Dream again.

Eden was sure she had spent the night bad mouthing her as she followed him around.

"Does it?" She said and he nodded and she smirked seeing he didnt read her sarcasm.

"Well first off she is big fan of yours and second she thought the flowers you sent for your 'dream girl' were for her." Eden said and Kold looked at her.

"So you did but didnt get the flowers." He said and Eden chuckled.

He could see the sincerity in it.

Kold had seen plenty of her interviews to realize when she smiled for real, this was one of them.

Kold looked at her smile showcasing all her teeth.

"You are fa real beautiful." He said and Eden looked away as she stopped laughing.

It wasnt the first time she heard that but one thing she kenw to be true, there were a billion beautiful women, her being one of them didnt make her feel any more special, her talents did.

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