047 The Monster (Part One)

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Facing the sudden rush of darkness, Reno raised the laser gun in his hand towards his chest, feeling a tremendous force hitting the gun. Reno couldn't control his body and was thrown backward.


He slammed heavily into the wall, looking at the laser gun in his hand, which was bent from the impact. This shocked Reno immensely.

Although the laser gun was made of T3 nickel alloy, primarily known for its high-temperature resistance, its strength was also considerable.

Bending a laser gun with a single blow was definitely not within human capabilities.

Looking up, Reno saw a grotesque figure standing before him.

It was a kind of ugliness that defied description, with thick fur covering its face, its eyes a ghastly green, flashing with ghostly light, its arms unusually long, almost reaching its knees when hanging down.

As Reno looked at it, the creature covered its face with its hands, seemingly unwilling to show its face to Reno. But then it realized the futility of its action.

So it dropped its hands and let out a howl towards Reno, then lunged straight at him.

Its arms swung, and one of its right claws slashed towards Reno.

Reno kicked off the wall and rolled on the ground, narrowly avoiding the claw grazing his back. The claw left deep marks on the wall, its sharp nails like knives leaving five deep scratches.

The swift movement of the claw made Reno realize how the doctors died earlier.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, not waiting for the hairy man to turn around before hurling the laser gun in his hand.

The hairy man casually swatted the laser gun away, shattering it into countless pieces in mid-air. But the next moment, he saw Reno holding two silver handguns.

"Goodbye, buddy!" Reno said coldly.

Flames spewed from the barrels of the guns.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Reno fired continuously while lying on the ground.

Bullets hit the hairy man, who emitted a piercing scream, blood splattering from his body. He howled frantically, swinging his claws, trying to charge towards Reno to tear him apart. But the powerful kinetic energy from the silver guns prevented him from advancing, causing him to stagger back instead.

But even so, he didn't fall. Instead, he emitted a furious roar.

Then he jumped up suddenly, dodging the incoming barrage of bullets, and stabbed towards Reno's chest with his right hand.

"Damn it!" Reno didn't expect to encounter a monster that bullets couldn't kill. He rolled on the spot, and the claws grazed his body again, piercing into the floor. As the hairy man tried to retract his hand, Reno quickly turned around, and a silver bullet shot out from his left hand gun.

The bullet rotated in the air, emitting a deathly wail, and penetrated through the hairy man's left temple with a bang. His head exploded.

The hairy man's body swayed a few times before falling to the ground weakly.

"Oh my God, what was that?" Nora exclaimed in shock again.

"I'm not sure. I just hope he wasn't from the Abrodi ship," Reno sighed.

He stood up, walked over, and lifted the left wrist of the hairy man to examine it.

Most starship soldiers would tattoo the abbreviation of their ship on their wrists, as a form of emotional attachment formed from living on the starship for years.

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