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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1091 - Arabia Retreats in Defeat!
C1091 - Arabia Retreats in Defeat!
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Chapter 1091: Arabia Retreats in Defeat!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Retreat! All generals, cover the retreat! Everyone, disperse and fall back as quickly as possible! Don't let yourself get held down!"

After shouting in panicked Arabic, the Brigadier General of the Blood Beast Army flourished his scimitar and charged at Wang Sili and the Divine Martial Army. Boom! Just as Wang Sili was preparing to receive this blow, a crimson Stellar Energy shot in front of Wang Sili and blocked the attack.

"General Wang, this person... leave him to me!"

A young and confident voice rang out in everyone's ears. In a flash of light, a horse with four snow-white hooves appeared in front of Wang Sili, so transcendent and divine that it appeared to be treading on clouds. On this divine steed's back was a young and slender figure.

Although he appeared only seventeen or eighteen on the surface, his temperament and movements gave off the aura of a dignified and composed veteran. It appeared that a mountain, not a man, had appeared before them all.

Wang Sili gave a deep sigh of relief as he looked at Wang Chong's back. By this point of the battle, he had already consumed more than half of his Stellar Energy.

"Haha, Lord Wang, since this is the case, I won't interfere. I leave this person to you!"

Wang Sili smiled and retreated to the side.

'Hearing a rumor is far inferior to seeing the person.' This was Wang Sili's first impression of Wang Chong. The Big Dipper Army and Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han had quarreled with Wang Chong several times, and there had even once been plans to make trouble for his City of Steel.

Even after he was made a marquis, none of the soldiers of the Big Dipper Army had a very good impression of him.

But after seeing his face, Wang Sili had to admit that this person truly had a praiseworthy and trustworthy power.

Not only did Wang Sili no longer have any prejudices about Wang Chong, he was actually quite proud about the decision he had made.

Participating in this grandiose battle would probably be the proudest and most moving event of his life.

Wang Chong had no idea what Wang Sili was thinking. His attention was completely focused on the Blood Beast Army's Brigadier General.

"Since you're here, why are you in such a rush to leave?" Wang Chong said in Arabic to this Brigadier General.

Blood Beast Army Commander Mansur trembled at these words as if he had been given a massive fright. Even though this was his first time on the battlefield of Talas, he knew that this youth was the commander-in-chief of these Tang, the most crucial individual in this battle.

"Let's go!"

The halo under Mansur vibrated as he slashed out with his scimitar. A thick black cloud immediately surged at Wang Chong, and in the depths of this cloud, a black and red saber light, fierce and grandiose, was slicing through the air.

As he slashed with his saber, Mansur's entire body rose from the ground and he fled with astonishing speed.

"Hmph, can you really escape?"

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