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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1191 - Agreement, the Khorasan Articles!
C1191 - Agreement, the Khorasan Articles!
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Chapter 1191: Agreement, the Khorasan Articles!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

"Imperial Minister..."

Huoba Sangye kneeled on the ground, and upon hearing Dalon Trinling's words, he lowered his head even more.

"Huoba Sangye knows that his crimes are severe, and if the Imperial Minister and Tsenpo desire my life, Huoba Sangye has nothing to say. But I cannot die. While the Great Minister and the two generals remain unavenged, Huoba Sangye is not willing to die, nor can he die!"

Huoba Sangye rested his palms on his knees, his shoulders trembling. Finally, he broke out into tears. No! Those were not tears, but blood.

Everyone fell silent at these words, their expressions dim. Huoba Sangye truly did deserve death, but perhaps living would be an even greater punishment.

All was silent. Dalon Trinling stared at Huoba Sangye, the killing intent in his eyes slowly receding.

"Huoba Sangye, I will let you keep your lowly life for now."

Dalon Trinling raised his head and slowly closed his eyes, concealing the killing intent within them. But at this moment, a vast and baleful aura began to rise from his body.

"Wang Chong, the Wang Clan, the Great Tang... just wait. I will definitely have all of you pay a price and make you feel Ü-Tsang's pain!"

Dalon Trinling's voice drifted through the silent world, floating away into infinity.


While the Tibetan Plateau was in a dour mood, Khorasan was rejoicing.

"Changqing, you've come!"

At the eastern gate of Khorasan, Gao Xianzhi happily smiled at the sight of Feng Changqing dressed in a light robe. For the first time, the Great Tang's Twin Walls of the Empire had met in this foreign land. With Feng Changqing here, Gao Xianzhi could finally put down those administrative problems that so greatly vexed him and leave them for Feng Changqing to handle.


Feng Changqing was also delighted to see Gao Xianzhi. From the Battle of Talas to the Battle of Khorasan, Feng Changqing back in Suiye had been worried night and day. Only now could he finally relax. The Twin Walls of the Empire had reunited, and they began to talk about many things regarding Anxi, Suiye, and the Anxi Protectorate army. Once the two had finished their conversation, Feng Changqing tidied his clothes and walked up to Wang Chong.

Before Feng Changqing could speak, Wang Chong faintly smiled and broke the silence. "Lord Feng, we meet again."

"Lord Protector-General, my gratitude is beyond words. Milord, please accept this bow," Feng Changqing sternly said, and then he gave an extremely reverential bow.

"Lord Feng, there has never been a need for thanks when it comes to vital matters of the state."

Wang Chong smiled, not extending a hand to help him up. However, Feng Changqing was unexpectedly unable to complete his bow. An enormous Stellar Energy supported his body, preventing him from even bending at the waist. Feng Changqing tried several times until he was red in the face.

Gao Xianzhi laughed and said, "Changqing, enough. If Wang Chong doesn't want it, you won't even be able to bow to him. Let's go. Managing Khorasan is a complicated affair. Let's talk inside."

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