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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 1721 - Zhao Fengchen Advances!
C1721 - Zhao Fengchen Advances!
Chapter 1721: Zhao Fengchen Advances!
Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Drums thundered as the six groups of soldiers in clattering armor came forward, and the mood on the drilling ground instantly turned grim and somber.

The six forces took up formation, positioning themselves on the eastern and western sides as they prepared to enter the battlefield.

On the southern end, Wang Chong slowly scanned the six forces. The second round was where the true fight began, but Wang Chong was still not too worried.


He heard two gasps behind him, which took him by surprise, but he quickly understood what was happening.

“Relax! It will be fine!” Wang Chong soothed.

“I’m just worried that if the First Prince tries the same move of attrition…”

Bai Siling didn’t continue.

As a member of the deeply-entrenched and flourishing Bai Clan, Bai Siling knew some secrets about the court. The First Prince was currently ascendant, and it seemed that if it allowed him to seize control of the Imperial Army, he would be willing to use the same attrition strategy as in the first round.

“Relax! It will be much harder for the Eastern Palace to do something in the second round than in the first,” Wang Chong said, the persuasiveness in his voice calming Bai Siling down.

“Only six groups are participating in the Marshal advancement competition, and the rules were made during a previous reign and are extremely fair. Not even the First Prince can play any tricks here. One can only rely on one’s own strength to get through this round.”


Bai Siling was still worried, and as she stood on the same side as Wang Chong, she couldn’t help but worry about him.

“According to the rules of the contest, three losses means elimination while three victories means advancement. As long as Zhao Fengchen can win three times, then he can ignore any tricks the First Prince tries to play.”

Wang Chong looked ahead, a profound light in his eyes.

Wang Chong was extremely powerful now, and through the world of energy and the True World, he could see that only those two Marshals the First Prince had planted in the Imperial Army could truly threaten Zhao Fengchen.

Wang Chong looked away from the drilling ground. He was far more concerned about the three Grand Marshals.

Wang Chong turned to Li Lin and said, “Uncle-in-law, there’s something I need you to do for me.”

There were many onlookers on the drilling ground, so Wang Chong whispered into Li Lin’s ear. A few moments later, Li Lin nodded and left.

The First Prince had deliberately sealed any news on the three Grand Marshals, and it would be difficult for Zhang Que alone to find anything. He would need to borrow the strength of other people in the palace.


Some time later, a messenger bird flew into the drilling ground, and Li Lin came back with a letter.

“News from Yuzhen Palace. It took some time to obtain,” Li Lin said.

Wang Chong nodded and opened the letter. Unexpectedly, the letter had only six words, and these words immediately made Wang Chong’s pupils constrict and his face pale.

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