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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 1991 - Wang Chong's Killing Intent!
C1991 - Wang Chong's Killing Intent!

Chapter 1991: Wang Chong’s Killing Intent!
Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

An Yaluoshan’s heart was also brimming with killing intent, but the more this was the case, the gentler his expression became, completely devoid of anger.

“Heh, Your Highness is joking. Since Your Highness attacked us, we must have made a mistake somewhere to incur Your Highness’s anger. If Your Highness was angry and wanted to discipline us, then it was only right.”

Surprisingly, An Yaluoshan laughed and joked instead of being angry, even bowing in Wang Chong’s direction.

“I was the rude one. An Yaluoshan apologizes to Your Highness! Your Highness is a man of great character, venerated within Lingyan Pavilion. Presumably, you would not be bothered by a mere Protector-General like me!”

As An Yaluoshan finished speaking, the area fell silent.

Though An Yaluoshan was a Hu, he was also a newly promoted official who had just defeated Yeon Gaesomun in the northeast. No one had expected him to be so meek in front of Wang Chong, even bowing and apologizing to him.

Even Wang Chong was rather surprised.

A few moments later, Wang Chong regained his composure. He mentally gave a cold laugh as his eyes chilled.

Zhang Shougui had been a tiger of the realm, and Wang Chong had heard of the ways in which An Yaluoshan had managed to deceive him, but nothing could compare to seeing it for himself.

An Yaluoshan was a chubby man who would apologize and grovel the moment he was chastised. With the fawning look on his face, he was truly nothing more than a clown to bystanders.

After being threatened and bullied repeatedly, anyone else would have exploded in rage, but not An Yaluoshan. In front of his subordinates, soldiers, the people of the capital, and all the foreign dignitaries, An Yaluoshan had still lowered himself, showing none of the dignity and pride a normal person would have.

A normal person who saw An Yaluoshan lowering himself and praising them might have believed that they had won, or that this man was uninteresting, so they would have let him go.

This fiend truly needs to be killed!

Wang Chong squinted as the urge to kill him once more appeared in his mind.

An Yaluoshan was far too shrewd. It was not that he was a person without dignity, nor was he someone that would lower himself in front of the crowd. But as long as he could numb his enemy so that he could eventually defeat them and achieve his goal, An Yaluoshan did not care about dignity. He could even lower himself to the very bottom or play the role of a clown to amuse his enemy.

Trying to insult this man was like trying to punch cotton. There was no good place to strike.

But An Yaluoshan’s strategy was useless against Wang Chong. The more he was like this, the more Wang Chong wanted to kill him.

He was simply too frightening, too patient, too shrewd. The more he displayed these qualities, the greater the scheme he was brewing.

“Do you not realize… that this is of no use against me?”

Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he took another step forward. The two of them were now just a few inches from each other. Wang Chong leaned forward and whispered to An Yaluoshan.

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