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"Devika, come on, just enjoy the moment," Tanisha slurred, her words slightly muddled from the alcohol she had consumed. Devika, growing increasingly frustrated with her friend's intoxicated state, rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Tanisha , why do you always drink so much when you know you can't handle it?" Devika scolded gently, a hint of concern in her voice as she glanced at Tanisha.

Tanisha let out a drunken laugh, her movements unsteady as she swayed slightly. "Devika, why have you changed so much? I miss the old Divi," she said wistfully, her tone tinged with sadness.

Devika's expression hardened at the mention of her old nickname, her emotions briefly flickering across her face before she regained her composure. "Tanisha, please don't call me by that name," she replied quietly, a hint of pain in her voice.

Ignoring Tanisha's protests, Devika retrieved her purse and headed towards the exit, her movements purposeful as she made her way out of the venue. Tanisha stumbled after her, struggling to keep up as they weaved through the crowd.

Outside, the cool night air enveloped them, offering a welcome relief from the stuffiness of the crowded venue. Devika took a deep breath, attempting to quell the storm of emotions swirling inside her as she walked briskly down the street.

Tanisha stumbled alongside her, her drunken laughter echoing in the quiet night air. "Devika, wait up!" she called out, her words slurred as she struggled to maintain her balance.Devika glanced back at her friend, her expression softening as she realized the extent of Tanisha's vulnerability in her intoxicated state. "Come on, Tani, let's get you home," she said gently, reaching out to support her friend as they continued on their way.

As they walked, Devika couldn't stop thinking about how their friendship had changed over the years. They used to be really close, but as time passed, they grew apart and went in different directions in life.


The whole Oli House was covered in darkness, with only the soft sound of Veerendra's steps breaking the silence as he walked to the balcony. Sitting there, he looked out at the midnight scene, lost in the calmness of the hour. His mind was filled with thoughts of Devika, his muse, her image vivid in his thoughts.

Suddenly, the creak of the main gate shattered the silence, indicating the arrival of unexpected guests. Veerendra observed as a figure stumbled in, leaning on Devika for support. It was a drunken girl, clearly struggling to keep her balance. Despite Devika's apparent annoyance with her friend's state, she remained dedicated in her efforts to help.

"Tani, you'll have to wake up early tomorrow to make up for this," Devika scolded gently, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration as she tried to manage her intoxicated companion. Unaware of Veerendra's presence, she continued her efforts to assist her friend.

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