Fake Concern?

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"Again, you are sick?" Mr. Oli's voice cut through the silence of the room, his eyes scanning over little Devika's weak and pale form lying on the bed.

"I don't know what sin I did in my past life to have children like you and your brother. I am tired of wasting my money on you and your brother. I am just doing this so that I can maintain my reputation of a good dad in front of society. You are also a burden just like your mother," he spat out, his words dripping with disdain as he turned and walked out of the room, oblivious to the pain hidden behind Devika's tired and weakened eyes.

   " हामीबाट टाढै बस्नु पर्यो आमा ? तिमीले मलाई सहि माया गर्दैनौ त्यसैले तिमीले मलाई बाबाको साथ छोडेर गयौ नत्र म तिम्रो साथमा हुने थिएँ । आमा दुख्छ। आउनुहोस् र आफ्नो देवी लिएर जानुहोस्।" Devika cried out in pain and weakness, her heartache echoing in the empty room.

["Why did you have to live away from us, Mumma? You do not love me, right? That's why you left me with Dad. Otherwise, I would have been with you. Mumma, it's hurting. Please come and take your Devi"]

Alas, no one came to comfort her. Devika longed for her mother, who lived separately from her father and his family. She yearned for her mother to come and take her away from the harsh reality she faced every day. Little did Devika know, her mother was hopelessly lying in a hospital bed, battling her own struggles and receiving treatment far from her daughter's reach.

Devika's cries filled the room, echoing the emptiness she felt inside. Hours passed, but still, no one came to tend to her. With each passing moment, her hope dwindled until, exhausted from her tears and sorrow, she succumbed to sleep.

The room remained silent, save for the soft sound of Devika's breathing as she slept, her dreams haunted by the absence of her mother and the harshness of her father's words. In her slumber, she found a fleeting escape from the pain and loneliness that weighed heavily on her young heart.

As the night went on, Devika slept peacefully, unaware of the turmoil around her. Outside, the world continued as usual, not caring about the little girl longing for her mother's love. But in her dreams, Devika found some relief from her pain, if only for a moment.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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