Sick and Weak🤒🤮

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Thanks, lovely readers, for being the best part of this journey! 🎉 Your support, every follow shows our bond, makes me happy! 💖 Together, we're heading to new adventures, full of love and friendship. Here's to more success! 🚀🌟 I love you all! 💕



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              I woke up as the morning sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm golden hue across my face. The tranquility of the early hours filled me with a sense of purpose, motivating me to rise from my bed and embrace the day ahead. ☀️

Today marked an important meeting with Mr. Oli and other shareholders, a crucial event that demanded meticulous preparation. I carefully selected a sharp three-piece suit and added a touch of cologne to complete my ensemble. Opting for the commanding color of black, I aimed to assert my authority—a subtle reminder to all present of my dominance in the business world. 

Making my way to Aayush's room, I found him still lost in the depths of sleep, oblivious to the urgency of our schedule

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Making my way to Aayush's room, I found him still lost in the depths of sleep, oblivious to the urgency of our schedule. "Aayush, you lazy bum! Wake up, we're going to be late for the meeting," I scolded, shaking him gently in an attempt to rouse him from his slumber. But Aayush, in his drowsy state, mumbled incoherently, pleading for a few more moments of rest. Growing frustrated by his reluctance to awaken, I decided to take matters into my own hands—or, more accurately, my own jug. With a mischievous grin, I grabbed the nearest water jug and poured its contents over Aayush's unsuspecting face. "Bro, it's flooding  in Nepal!" I quipped, hoping to shock him into alertness. 💦

Aayush sputtered and coughed as the icy water snapped him out of his stupor, his initial confusion quickly giving way to indignation. "Bro, I thought you loved me, but today you've shown me that you hate me just like everyone else," he lamented, his voice tinged with hurt. I sighed, feeling a twinge of guilt at his accusation. "Aayush, you know that's not true. We simply can't afford to waste time, and I needed to get you up," I explained, attempting to justify my actions.

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