Someone I am Not [Leonid]

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 The moment the door closed, I whipped my empty wine glass into the hearth. I seethed, baring my teeth with barely contained anger. Something shifted in the room. I could smell sweet earth, honey, and spice. I would have relaxed into that scent if those filigreed hands hadn't crossed my shoulders.

"I need you to stop skulking at the edge of my senses."

"Did you chase her away so soon?"

I frown and keep my eyes on the fire. "There was a breach of trust. I decided that punishment was due."

Alamras chuckled, and I could hear him take a seat at the table. "Sent to her room without a meal, like a child."

"If she wishes to act like one, I will treat her as one." He laughs at the comment, and the sound sets me on edge.

"Let me meet her, Leonid," Alamras says slowly. "I am curious about your little queen."

I turn to Alamras. "I will not be introducing you to her."

Alamras quirked an eyebrow, a slow smile spreading across his face. Too wide to be anything but predatory. "Please, dear friend. I am curious about what makes her different."

"No!" I snap. "I will not parade her before you; you will not ask again."

"As you wish." Alamras gave a slow sigh. "Seeing as you won't have her as your dinner guest, may I join you?"

I look Alamras over before shaking my head. "I prefer to be alone tonight."

"You wound me," Alamras chuckles. "You know, my king, I long for the nights we used to spend together." He stands and approaches me. He caresses my cheek, the points of those gold nails trailing across my skin. My body can't help but shudder, and he smiles at that.

"What about this woman gives her such power over you? Why not take her, claim her? Perhaps that would lessen her stranglehold on you."

I pull away from Alamras as he whispers those things into my ear. I can almost feel the air shift around us. He's annoyed. Yet, there is truth to his words, and it stirred something within me. I could take what I wanted from Síofra. In fact, I was beginning to believe that she was waiting for such a thing to happen. The thought sickened me, yet something stirred within me as well.

"No," I say softly.

"What?" Alamras snorted.

"I'll see to it that she begs me for this," I reply, looking back at the fire.

This causes Alamras to laugh. "You think that your captured queen will beg you to touch her? To fuck her? My dear Leonid, the woman loathes you." He rests his chin on my shoulder, one arm snaking around my waist. "You have a long road ahead of you if you think you can convince her that you are anything but a man bathed in blood."

"You think it impossible?"

"Why does that matter to you?"

Why did it matter? Why did I care about how Síofra saw me? What she thought about me? So many previous rulers, men and women alike, had fallen before me. I killed so many. Yet I hesitated when I had her at the end of my blade. The way she looked at me, the shock in her eyes, it struck a cord.

I had become what I was fighting against.

"You have me," Alamras said softly, his voice taking on a sweet edge. I could hear the smile in his voice as he brought his mouth to my ear. "You trust me. You've trusted me ever since I found you, broken and wishing for death. There is nothing your little queen can give you that I cannot."

"We don't have time for this," I mutter. I move out of Alamras's hold, his fingers curling so his nails tugged at my tunic. I ignored the sensation and look the elf must have given me. "I'll be spending my day in the library tomorrow. I suggest you begin your hunt. The sooner we explore this damned castle, the sooner we can move on."

I left before Alamras could respond. The last thing I wanted was for him to cloud my thoughts. I stalked through the halls, making my way towards the room I had claimed as my own. The path took me by Síofra's chambers.

It should be ours.

I pause outside the door. The two guards stood at attention, but neither one said a word. I move to the door but do not enter. Instead, I stand there, staring at the wood and iron. I can hear her talking to Emi on the other side. I can't make out what she is saying, but can hear the tones.

Síofra is angry. Good. I could deal with anger better than tears, especially from her. That fact makes me frown.

When did I become so tender?

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