The Big D |Part 4|

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Jungkook graduated college. He spent half the night partying with his friends before going home to celebrate alone with his boyfriend. Taehyung spoiled him, showered him in love, and gifts, and s*x, and brought him to orgasm multiple times. 

But if there is something he learned after years of dating Jungkook is that the boy is insatiable. However, after the third round and hours of being awake, Jungkook passed out and curled up comfortably by Taehyung’s side. 

It didn’t last long. 

Jungkook wakes up about forty minutes or so after, still horny. Taehyung's breathing is even. The man is lying still next to him, blissfully naked and with an arm wrapped around Jungkook's waist. Usually, the smallest of movements from Jungkook would wake him up, but after dating him for a while, Jungkook discovered that the solution to Taehyung's usual light sleep is to tire him out with s*x. 

Jungkook smiles fondly at the view and shifts to look at Taehyung's face better. When he does so, he feels Taehyung's cum move inside of him. His heart skips a beat and his whole body shudders. 

Oh. Right.

He didn't clean himself up after the last round. A bit dried between his legs, making them sticky and uncomfortable. Jungkook loves it. He suppresses a moan by biting his lower lip. 

He rises a bit, holding his weight on his elbows to look over Taehyung's naked figure, soft cock in full display. He looks so beautiful and peaceful. 

Jungkook can't help himself. He moves so his mouth is level with his crotch, blowing hot air onto Taehyung's skin. He smiles when the man doesn't wake up. He's not used to seeing Taehyung in such a vulnerable state. He can't not take advantage. 

He presses his lips against his shaft. Jungkook licks down the length of it slowly until he gets to his tip. He teases the slit with his tongue, wrapping his fingers around the base to stroke him. His eyes stay fixed on his face, searching for any signs that Taehyung might wake up. His expression shifts a bit and he lets out a soft moan, but he doesn’t wake.

He continues to stroke him while he gets the entire head inside his mouth. It still amazes him to this day how big Taehyung is, even when soft. Even after all this time, he still feels compelled to get on his knees every time he sees it. He moans as he feels Taehyung getting harder inside his mouth.

He lets go of him, moving to grab the bottle of lube from the bedside table. He pours some of it and warms it up between his fingers. Once he’s done, he presses two digits against his rim and pushes inside with ease. He moans when he feels Taehyung’s cum dribble out of him, dripping down his thigh. 

He straddles Taehyung’s lap and strokes his now hard cock. A few more small sounds escape Taehyung’s lips and Jungkook knows that he’ll wake up any moment now. He quickly aligns Taehyung's erection with his entrance and sits down. As soon as he does, he starts f*cking himself mercilessly, moving his hips up and down. He’s surprised with himself for still having the stamina to do so after spending so much energy earlier. 

He moans a bit too loudly and Taehyung stirs. He opens his eyes, looking confused for a second until he processes what’s happening. Jungkook squeezes around him and he groans, moving his hand almost instinctively to hold Jungkook’s hips. 

“Good morning, Tae,” Jungkook says, amused.

“Morning, naughty boy,” Taehyung says, voice rough with sleep. 

It’s incredibly hot. Jungkook practically mewls.

“Fu*k,” he curses, speeding up his pace.

“Language, Jungkook,” Taehyung reprimands, squeezing his ass and sinking his nails in his skin. “Were you having fun with my unconscious body?” He wraps his fingers around Jungkook’s erection.

“Yes,” Jungkook moans. He’s so turned on that he could scream.

“Were you so desperate to have my cock inside of you that you couldn’t wait until I woke?” Taehyung asks with a smirk.

Jungkook doesn’t respond. He only nods his head frantically, moving faster now, trying desperately to reach his climax. He clenches around Taehyung's cock, fu*king into his hand with every movement. 

“Insatiable boy,” Taehyung says. He moves his free hand to play with Jungkook’s nipples. 

Jungkook falls on top of him, unable to keep himself up any longer and Taehyung takes the reins, thrusting up to fu*k him. He kisses Jungkook’s neck, making a trail until he gets to his jaw. 

“If you’re truly that desperate to have me inside,” he says as he nibbles on his ear, “I should’ve plugged you after filling you last round.”

Jungkook gasps, “fu*k, Taehyung, please.”

“Yes, you would’ve loved that, wouldn’t you?” Taehyung whispers. “To keep my seed inside of you.”

Jungkook whimpers and bites back another moan before saying: “Please.” He surprises himself with how wanton he sounds, and how much the idea of wearing a plug turns him on. 

Taehyung thrusts up again, taking Jungkook to his limits. He hits his prostate with every movement. It sends sparks through Jungkook’s veins. His orgasm comes in a wave of pleasure, making him shudder. He collapses bonelessly on top of Taehyung, panting heavily as the other man keeps fu*king into him, abusing Jungkook’s hole. 

Jungkook moans when Taehyung comes inside of him, hard, with a deep groan that would have made him get hard again if he weren’t so spent. Instead, he kisses Taehyung’s chest and lips. Taehyung holds him close, stroking his hair. He tries to pull out of Jungkook, but the younger man clenches his cock. 

“Don’t,” he requests. “Stay inside. Please .” 

Taehyung’s heart skips a bit at the prospect of Jungkook cockwarming him as he sleeps. 

The boy is flushed red and avoids eye contact. He’s the most beautiful thing Taehyung had ever seen. It’s impossible to deny him anything, especially when he asks so sweetly for it. 

“Of course, my love,” Taehyung says, kissing his forehead. “Whatever you’d like.”

Jungkook smiles sweetly and hides his face in his chest. “Thank you.” 

Taehyung knows he’ll wake up the next day feeling all kinds of sore from the awkward position, from holding all of Jungkook’s weight on top of him, but he couldn’t care less. He sighs, content, and wraps an arm around Jungkook’s waist. 

“Oh, and Tae?” Jungkook murmurs. 

“Yes, darling?”

“You can fu*k me if you wake up before me.” 

It’s said like a suggestion, but Taehyung knows it’s a request. He smiles. 

“Of course, my love.”


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