The Homecoming - Part 3

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 The crowd cheered as Archie finished presenting an official Riverdale High letterman jacket to Pop.

"What a gift. Thank you, Archie."

"Oh, it's from all of us, Pop. It's a small token to show how much you mean to us, to Riverdale High, to the whole town."

"You know, I had to drop out of school to take over running this place after my Pop, the original Pop, passed away. I never got to graduate. This," he looked down at the jacket, "means the world to me." They all clapped again.

"Jug's gonna say a few words," Archie gave him a nod and switched places.

"I think sometimes it can be hard to put our faith in this town, but I think Pop created something really special here, created a place for the lost and wayward souls of Riverdale to come to. And I think that's more than the jukebox or vinyl booths. It's... like a lighthouse in a storm. Now Pop himself is many things. He's a joker," Pop chuckled, "he's a soldier, he's a cook," Jughead shrugged offhandedly and everyone laughed. "He's a really good listener. He's also a father, he's a son, and a grandfather," he glanced over at Tabatha. "And to many of us, and to me personally... He's about the only reason I made it through." Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around Aminity and she leant into him. "You gave us a home, Pop. Thank you." The crowd applauded again.

"To Pop Tate," Archie toasted with his milkshake, "who never let the lights go dark."

"To Pop Tate!" Fangs hit his glass against Aminity and Sweet Pea's. A line formed to talk to Pop, everyone saying their thanks and how much he had done for them. When it was finally Aminity's turn, the two of them just looked at each other for a moment before going in for a hug.

"Thank you for everything, Pop. You helped save me and everyone else here in Riverdale. It's not gonna be the same without you."

"You don't have to thank me for anything. You saved yourself and now you're saving this town. I think I'm leaving it in good hands."

"I don't know about that," she forced a smile as she backed up and looked at him.

He gave her his famous smile and gentle nod. "I do."


"So you're really gonna do this, huh?" Jughead asked as the five sat in their booth at Pop's like old times. "Run the RROTC out of your old high school?"

"If I get a chance to, yeah. Hiram's trying to shut that place down and he's pushing to unincorporate the town which would wipe RIverdale off the map."

"My father is nothing if not consistent," Veronica let out.

"I think we can stop him. Or at least slow him down."

"How?" Betty asked.

"We become teachers." Veronica scoffed. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's also a way to keep the school going which means if Hiram wins the vote, we still have a defendable position: this school. And if we can save it, we can give people at least one more reason to stay in Riverdale. And in time, we can bring this town back to life."

"Archie, I'm married," Veronica reminded him. "I have a life back in New York."

"Yeah and I have a novel to write."

"Veronica, plenty of people commute to the city. And Jug, you always said you do your best writing in a booth at Pop's. And it's not gonna be long," he tried to convince them. A month or two. Just to give Weatherbee enough time to find permanent replacements."

"I'm in," Betty said. "Quantico can wait a couple months and I need to be here right now for my mom and Polly."

"Thanks, Betty. Jug?"

"I'd have to clear it with my new job, but why not," he sighed. "I'd like to shape some impressionable young minds."

"I'm in too," Veronica agreed. "I'll make it work with Chad and considering that what's happening here is all my dad's fault, I need to give back more than anyone. And I didn't really want to be a sports agent anyway."

"That's awesome, Veronica. Aminity?" They all looked at her as her mouth gaped.

"I... I don't know. I already work two other jobs." She took a breath. "But this place is important. I'll at least try."

"So... Bulldogs forever?" Archie asked, putting a hand in the middle of the table and they each put a hand on top.

"Bulldogs forever."


"Before the school board votes on the fate of Riverdale High, Toni Topaz has asked to say a few words," Hiram invited her to the mic.

"Good afternoon. My name is Toni Topaz and I am a guidance counselor at Riverdale High. The point of a school board is to make sure there's equity, that kids of all ages, from all different backgrounds have equal access to education. Well, with the help of one very generous donor," she glanced back at Cheryl who nodded, "I'm happy to announce that Riverdale High will be able to do that as a private school." The crowd clapped while Alice smirked at Hiram. "And unlike other private schools, Riverdale will be tuition free. And we're bolstering our teaching staff with notable alumnus like Sergeant Archie Andrews;" they all started standing as their names were called, "FBI trainee and Yale graduate, Betty Cooper; businesswoman and Barnard grad, Veronica Gekko; acclaimed author, Forsythe Jones III; local deputy and business owner, Aminity Jones; and Riverdale grad Sweet Pea. So spread the news far and wide that Riverdale and its children will not be at the mercy of Hiram Lodge's destructive whims. Thank you." The crowd cheered as Toni took a seat.

"That's very nice," Hiram forced out.

"That was better than Kendall Roye's speech at the end of season two," Kevin whispered to her, making her smile.

"And now," Hiram continued, "I'd like to introduce what I hope will be my last motion as mayor: a proposition to unincorporate the town of Riverdale." It was silent. "All those opposed." Aminity and the others near her all raised their hands. "All those in favor." They all waited with baited breath. "Majority wins. The township of Riverdale is hereby dissolved." He hit the gavel and the room broke out into mutters.


"I can't believe Riverdale doesn't exist anymore," Aminity said as she sat at the bank of the river. Sweet Pea sat behind her, arms wrapped around her waist as she leant back into him. "I mean, what has all this work been for? Nothing. It's been for nothing."

"That's not true, Princess."

"Yeah, right," she scoffed.

"It's not," he made her turn to look at him, moving her to sit on his lap. "Your work means something. Us going back to school to teach means something. We may have lost this battle, but we still have a whole war ahead of us. We're not giving up on Riverdale. We still got a lot of fight in us."

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