4 : Safe and unsafe place

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In her arms, Murtasim was filled with happiness and joy. An unidentified calmness washed over him as she hugged him. Receiving her hug made him feel like the luckiest person alive. Her embrace was so warm, and he could smell the seductive scent of perfume. He is thrilled to get an embrace from her because he did not think he would. Because he is afraid of losing her, all he wants is to be in her arms forever and never let her go. What happens if she meets someone superior to him? What if she started to despise him? No... Murtasim, do not give it any thought. Enjoy present. He said to himself before releasing her and relaxing in her arms. They broke their embrace after some time, and Murtasim waved her away with his hand.

He got in his car and headed for the village, hoping to arrive by evening so he would not have to wait another day to see his wife. He is already set up a house for them both, close to her college. Their house is only one kilometer away, which seemed reasonable to him because a three-hour journey is far longer than one kilometer.

His village people, the panchayat members, welcomed him as soon as he arrived in the village. He saw Zubair's father seated in one chair and Zubair standing with bodyguards. After greeting others, he walked towards them and sat in front of Zubair and Malik Mukhtar to discuss the issue for which he was called.

"What is going on here?" Murtasim inquired coldly.

"Ask your man. Why did he come into our field? What was he doing with Jannat?" Zubair yelled. Murtasim turned to face the man Zubair was pointing at, and it only took one glance to frighten him and obscure the truth.

"I love "Jannat" Khan Saab. I want to marry her. Forgive me, please," the man asked Murtasim while joining his hands. Murtasim looked around, unsure how to respond. Although he finds love to be a sensitive subject, he also can not be prejudiced because a lot of other people rely on him and his judgment. After giving it some thought, Murtasim remembered that this man had caused the death of one innocent man. Even though he now knows that Zubair killed someone due to a misunderstanding, this is still dangerous because Zubair is a cruel person.

"An innocent man died just because of you. Was it really necessary to go there? You could have asked her to marry you," Murtasim said to which the man hung his head in shame, fully aware of his error.

"Maaf kar dain," the man bowed before Murtasim and begged for pardon. The man shivered from fear and nervousness when Murtasim told him to get up and leave this place as soon as possible.

"Khan my family lives here", he replied

"Take your family with you because...", Murtasim said and was interrupted by a phone call by his wife. His face lit up with a smile when he saw her name. He could not ignore her, so he got up from where he was to answer the phone. He does not want her to overthink things as much as he does because the last time she thought he was angry, he wasn't.

When she replied, "I reached," he smiled even more maniacally as he was filled with relief that someone had actually informed him. Additionally, he used to call his mother, which indicates that she saw him as family, as we have told family members. That is really amazing.

She questioned, "Is this my house?"

"Our," he corrected her, pointing out that it is their home.

This is stunning. Thanks a lot" Meerab said, beaming, and he laughed to hear her little giggles. He wishes he could witness her laughing, as she appears stunning with a wide smile on her face.

"Now go relax," he said, but he saw that she had already hung up. He chuckled and returned to the panchayat only to witness everyone vanish, which infuriated him since it seemed impolite to him. They were unable to wait even five minutes. How are they? The man was still standing there, bending in front of him and pleading with him not to punish him, when he moved forward.

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