8: Dignity

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Meerab returned home after Murtasim left, exhausted and unsure of what to do. She loved spending time with him and wanted him by her side constantly, so the next morning seemed dull. Since his mother needs him more than she does, she can not even make him stay this time. If he had not asked her not to come, she would have followed him. Despite her lack of appetite, she headed to the kitchen to prepare food for herself. She recalled finding Murtasim in the kitchen when she had gotten up early one morning to have tea. She touched the slab, which reminded her of her time in haveli. She cherished his attention because he was always kind and considerate to her.


"Good morning Meerab. What are you doing here in the morning?", he asked when she entered the kitchen while he was holding a cup of tea. As Meerab approached him, he gestured for her to take a seat on the slab, but she was confused and just stared at him. He grinned as he moved in her direction, putting his hand around her waist to draw her in closer. Shyly, Meerab looked down at him and rested a hand over his shoulder, understanding that he was everything she had ever wanted in a partner and that she did not mind anything that came from him. He is a wonderful, kind, and understanding husband who shows her a lot of love and support.

He moved her by holding her waist close to the slab, and she felt her heart race. She felt her body weakening as she looked down and realized that if he did not hold her, she would fall. Her breathing became uneven as he approached her and moved his other hand to her face. She turned to face him, and her eyes met his desire-filled ones. She knew and could feel it, but she is not ready yet. However, she also has to admit that this man is really attractive. She can not imagine living without him or finding a more ideal man than him. He calls himself imperfect, but to her, he is the perfect man she could ever wish for.

"Can I lift you?", he asked to which she nodded and felt him lifting and he encircled his arms around her waist and made her sit on the slab. As his hands touched her tender body, she shuddered and experienced butterflies in her stomach. Her heart was pounding so hard that she thought it would burst if she opened her mouth to speak. Gently, he seated her and placed his hand on her face. She closed her eyes, and he caressed her cheek, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. A smile appeared over her face when he did that and caressed her cheeks with his thumb. When she opened her eyes, she saw that he was admiring her and thought that she was the most beautiful woman alive, fortunate to be his wife, receiving his attention constantly.

"Bol bhi toh sakte the",she whispered

"Kyu uthana mana hai?", he inquired, causing her to laugh. She shook her head, replying that this was not her intention and that she would never even stop him because she knew they would have very little time left she will leave this haveli soon. Though the thought of the distance was wearing her down, her passion and dream drive her more than anything else.

"I also want to have tea",she said and he nodded with a smile. He took both of her hands in his and lifted them to his lips, but he suddenly dropped them, confusing her because she did not know why. She enjoys the attention because she has never received it from a man, and everything is new and beautiful to her.

"I have tea ready so if you are comfortable sharing my used cup then you can?", he asked pointing towards the cup which was placed on one side near the gas. She noticed how his smile grew as he realized she accepted him, and she smiled and extended her hand to take cup from him. After moving to the side, he returned in a matter of seconds to hand her the cup. Seeing that he was blushing, Meerab giggled and tried not to tease him despite her desire to. She don't know how his reaction would come out. After a minute she was done with the tea and gestured for him to back off while he was standing between her legs. He took a step back, and she leaped down, grabbing his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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