6 : One Step Closer

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Meerab awoke early the next morning and dressed in formals to go to college, and he is excited because he will accompany her. Later on in the evening, she is going to go out and spend time with him, talking about themselves and having a good quality time. Despite her lack of prior romantic experience, she finds herself enjoying the unidentified feeling she gets whenever he touches or gets near her. Even though she tries to act normal around him, she knows that when he touches her, her body reacts instantly and her heart melts. She thinks about him every day, and just hearing his name makes her happy all day. Every time she hears his name or thinks of him, she beams like a crazy teenager.

She approached him and took a seat on the bed's corner next to him. She turned to face him as he slept on his right side, eyes closed and one hand beneath his head, the other on the bed, a pillow between his legs. He looks so good even when he is sleeping that she does not even want to wake him. He is gradually turning into someone who makes her feel safe, much like her father, so she could spend her entire day staring at him. Although it may be foolish of her to compare her husband to her father, she still views her father as the most significant man in her life, with Murtasim coming in second.

"You are too good. I hope our bond grows stronger", She paused, then put her chin over her hand and rested her elbow on the bed to keep her eyes on her husband. When his hand touched her arm and pushed it down, she lost her trance and fell onto his arm on the bed. As soon as she stood up, she saw that he had also opened his eyes and was staring at her bewildered. Even in the morning, his handsome and youthful appearance made her heart race just by gazing into his eyes.

She stammered, got up to leave the room, and said, "I... I will bring tea", but she stopped when she heard him calling her back. Upon realizing that she was staring at him, she looked down and bit her lip to hide her embarrassed expression. She feels so beautiful and precious that she cannot help but smile even though she is more than embarrassed to be staring at him. It is a treat for her since he will be returning shortly. She turned to face him again, but he remained silent as she remained motionless. Feeling him grab her hand and pull her onto the bed made her shiver. She was so nervous around him that she began to inhale deeply. Why he is always so quick and tempting all the time? She wondered

"What happened just now? Did I hurt you or...", She put her finger on his lips and cut him off before he could finish.

"I should be the one asking this. Is it hurting?",she asked. She blushed as he shook his head and turned to face her finger over his lips. He found her tempting as she withdrew her hand and blushed while looking down. It dawned on him at that moment that she was not asleep, but rather sitting next to him, looking presentable in her formal attire.

She looks so stunningly gorgeous even in formal attire. He noticed she was breathing heavily and had a smile on her face, as if his presence was making her weak. He stepped forward a little to place a single hair strand in front of her face between his fingers. Now that he can see by her flushed cheeks that she does not mind at all, he is lost in her beauty. He held her chin and ran the back of his thumb over her cheek, tilting her face in his direction. The closeness made Meerab feel weak, so she gripped the bedsheet tightly.

Murtasim gave her a tender stare, observing how innocent she seemed. Just like a child who wants to ask him for something but is too shy to do so. Observing her chest heaving up and down, he felt privileged to have this physical effect on her. Meerab looked at the ground, feeling all new and good. Because she enjoys having him around, she does not want him to move away. Observing her positive response, he gently placed his hand on her cheeks before taking a step forward to alert Meerab. He was staring at her lips as she lifted her lashes. Her eyes darted away as soon as he put his hand on her neck and gave her a gentle kiss, causing her to tremble. She did not know if she should resist at this point. With this incredible feeling, he tapped his fingers against her neck, almost causing her to pass out.

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