Chapter Five

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Noah leaves you with a kiss on the hand before heading down to his own green room. You stay put, eyeing your camera on the table from across the room. You stare at it, lost in another world, reliving the last few moments over and over in your head for ages. Those moments made you completely forget about the feature photo. Who knows how long you stood there before the door opens and makes you jump.

You look over at it, half expecting Noah to come walking back in but it's Myles and Damie coming to get ready for the show.

"Oh, hey guys!" You say warmly. You can't tell either of them what happened with Noah just yet. You still have no clue what it means.

"Hi! What was Noah doing in here? We passed him on the way back." Damie asks.

"Just asking me about picture ideas for the next show. I get to watch them perform tonight. I'll be right up front."

"Wow, bet you're excited for that." Myles chimes in.

"I've been wanting to see them for years and it just wasn't the same having to work through it." You respond. "I do have some really great news though..." A smile forms across your face.

You go on to tell the two about the feature photo that Bryan chose for the Bad Omens' social media profiles, along with wherever he might choose to use it. The conversation flows in a way you expected with enthusiastic congratulations and hugs. When the rest of the crew arrives in the green room, they are also made aware of your news, and it causes even more of a happy ruckus in the room. It really feels like a dream to you. All this success in just 3 days... that includes kissing and feeling Noah's hand in yours for the first time. You could relive this time in your life repeatedly and the happiness you feel would never wane.


After taking your shots of Revivify, you meet Bryan side stage, and he explains to the bouncers that you need a spot up front and to lift you over the rail. You waste no time getting to your spot in front. The crowd standing where you're about to be put are incredibly welcoming and rowdy to get you standing by them, which puts you at ease. It was natural to feel like you were cutting the line in a way. The bouncer lifts you up over the rail and before you can even get your feet on the floor, the lights go out and the static appears on the screens. The younger girl next to you grabs your arm and screams with excitement, causing you to laugh. You keep an eye on the stage, watching as all the members of the band walk into view. Noah stays back a bit longer but your heart flutters when you spot him through the flashes of light as Jolly plays the beginning of Artificial Suicide.

The show continues and you get waves and smiles from the entire band. Bryan does the same every time he walks by taking pictures. You sing along to every word that comes from Noah. It seems like he's trying his best not to look at you more than the rest of the crowd... but he is. Especially when he sings lines like, "The way you fuck, the way you taste," where it seemed extremely on purpose the way his eyes flowed to you. His movements and the power in his angelic voice are setting your heart a flutter throughout. It truly feels like a normal concert, though. The crowd around you is pleasant and well-behaved for once. You're in your element.

In what seems like no time, their set ends and you're eager to get back to the side of the stage to see everyone, especially Noah. The way he looked up there made you want to feel his hands on you in any way possible.

Bryan leads a bouncer over to ask if you want to stay for Motionless, but you decline. The bouncer lifts you back over and you say goodbye to the people who you bonded with before running over to the side of the stage. The guys are making their way back to the green rooms, but Noah isn't anywhere to be seen. You follow behind them, looking arounds until a hand slinks out from behind a giant curtain and pulls you further out of view from everyone else. The hand feels like Noah's, and you can smell the Dior Sauvage mixing with the sweat on his body.

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