Chapter Nine

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*Detailed Smut warning!*

You wake up alone in the bunk. Luckily, you remember pretty much everything from the night before. You can't believe your friends let you leave with a dude you don't know at all... Noah was right. You're lucky he was a good guy. You realize the bus is silent and you're alone. You open the bunk curtain and wince at the brightness. Your head is pounding. Thank God you have a day off to recover. You glance out the window from where you are and feel immense relief at the sight of the hotel outside.

You reach for your phone to see its mid-morning. Everybody is probably out for breakfast, and you can't check in to the hotel for another hour. Your stomach is screaming with hunger, though. You take some time to gussy up and use the restroom on the bus before looking for a snack. You spot some Cheez-it's and a big bottle of water on the table. Of course. You grab the box and sit down to munch on the crackers and text Noah.

"Something tells me you left these refreshments here just for me." You say.

"It was Jolly. And I got an EARFULL about how I got to have a sleepover with you again and he wasn't invited. Good morning, btw."

"Lmao, he loves me. <3 When will you be back?"

"Probably after 7 tonight. I have an interview and then dinner with one of our contacts local to this city."

"Nooooooo ☹"

"Aww, you'll be ok. I'll come to your room after I finish up. Sound good?"

"Yes. See you later."

Nothing more is said. You spend a few more minutes on their bus before grabbing your heels and heading out to the Revivify bus. Once again, only Damie is present and accounted for. You walk in and see her sitting at the table with her coffee.

"Cassie!" She yells as she gets up to hug you. "We missed you last night." She finishes.

"Yeah, sorry... I really had too much to drink. I did not make the best choices. I think I need to stop forever." You respond with a laugh. She returns with a giggle before her face falls to a more serious affect.

"So... you stayed with Noah?"

"Yeah, he let me sleep in his bunk with him."

"Wait a minute... 'with' him?"

You nod, feeling slightly ashamed you haven't said a thing to her about what's gone on.

"Am I missing something?" She says confused.

"Um... no... it's not really obvious, I guess."

"Well, you can tell me. Does Myles know?"

"He knows some... not all of it. I want to keep it that way."

"Why? Did Noah upset you or something?"

"No... I upset Noah."

Unexpectedly, you go on to spill everything onto Damie who listens with her mouth agape the entire time. She knows about the night outside in the rain, when you were sneaking behind the stage, and the night of the hotel. All the feelings as well. You tell her about what led up to your stay with Noah last night and how it was entirely innocent. Now, she knows how he took care of you. How you rejected him like a dumbass... and how you told him something you were desperately trying to keep to yourself until now. When you finish, she doesn't respond right away. Instead, she looks outside to their bus and takes a few sips of her coffee.

"Alright, so this has all gone on and I had no idea... I mean, I figured you guys had a crush on each other, but I did not see you telling me you guys fucked AND it was all... emotional."

DREAMER: A Noah Sebastian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now