Chapter Ten

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The next morning, you wake with dread. It pulses into your lungs and makes it hard for you to breathe without pain radiating throughout your chest. This is it for who knows how long. You glance over and see Noah sleeping soundly. What an absolute angel. You don't want to leave his side until you absolutely must. You snuggle in closely to him and wrap your arm around his waist. He doesn't stir at all. You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat for a few minutes before he starts to wake up. Still, you don't move. He takes a deep breath in through his nose upon opening his eyes. He holds his breath for a moment, and you look up at him with concern.

"Oh, fuck." He breathes out.

"I know..." you respond with a frown. He reaches both arms around you and holds you tightly into him.

"The rest of this tour is going to feel so empty after tonight... and then I'll feel it again when I get home."

"I wish I could stay... really."

"Me fucking too."


You guys get around for the last show tonight. He fucks you one more time before you leave the hotel right in front of the bathroom mirror. However, this time it was emotional and raw. While you sat on the edge of the counter facing him, he held your face with both hands and kept eye contact the whole time. The kisses were deep and meaningful. His words were sweet and complimentary, telling you how beautiful you are and how he's going to miss you. The feels are swirling around the room needing to be said but neither of you seem to have the guts to spit it out and let it be known. But the looks you give each other pretty much say it all. 

You pull your dress back down and stand in front of him. He fastens his pants and belt, smiling at you because he's completely smitten. He's waiting for you to say something as you glance at your watch. You look up at him and frown.

"It's 11. We need to get to the buses. Alice has been blowing my phone up..." you say.

"Yeah, Jolly texted me 20 minutes ago and he is super anxious. He wants to see you before you leave. You should ride with us over to the venue." He suggests with a grin.

"Oh, yeah. That's a really good idea. I will." You say, starting to finalize your packing as he does the same. You both aimlessly walk around the room pretending to look at things just trying to buy more time together.

"You taking pictures tonight?" he asks.

"I think so. I took the last show off, so I sort of feel like I should."

"I think you should if you're comfortable with it. It will give us both something to focus on."

"That's true..."

Things go quiet and you make your way over to the door with your things in hand. You gesture with a head nod for him to follow. He takes a deep breath and you both leave the room hand-in-hand. After the longest walk of your life, you finally make it to the bus, and he opens the door for you to get in first.

"CASSIE!" Jolly yells as he immediately jumps from the table to make his way over to you. Everyone else in the room says hello, but you can't really look at them as Jolly squeezes you into his chest with a giant hug. He pulls back and looks at you with puppy dog eyes. "Are you sure you have to leave us tonight? ☹" he asks. You hear Noah and Bryan chuckle from behind you.

"Sorry, Jolly. I have so much work to do at home and I miss my comfy bed... I'll make sure this isn't the last time we hang out." you say, touching his cheek and frowning.

"I'll hold you to that. Are you riding with us?"

"Yep!" You say with a smile. He grabs your hand and sits you down at the table with him. You, Jolly, Bryan, and Noah play cards for the half hour drive to the venue. Noah sits next to you and keeps a hand on your thigh as much as he can. You all laugh a lot, completely forgetting the horrible reality of your departure later.

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