Chapter 1

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Gabby stood at her brother's funeral, trying her best to hold back her tears. Her brother and incredible surgeon, had tragically lost his life in a plane crash just a week ago. And to make things worse, her fiancé, Jackson, had cheated on her.

Gabby had always felt a strong connection to her brother. They were each other's support system for so long. Losing him had felt like a part of her had been ripped away.

But now, standing at her brother's funeral, Gabby's heart was heavy not just for her brother, but also for the betrayal she had discovered. She had found out about Jackson's infidelity through a text message on her way to the funeral.

Gabby couldn't understand how Jackson could do this to her, especially at a time like this. She was already grieving the loss of her brother, and now she had to deal with pain of her fiancés betrayal. It was too much for her to handle.

As she watched the casket being lowered into the ground, Gabby felt a hand on her shoulder.  She turned around to see Jackson standing behind her, looking remorseful. She couldn't bring herself to look at him, let alone speak to him.

"I'm sorry, Gabby." Jackson said, his voice filled with regret 'I know this is a terrible time, but I couldn't keep it from you any longer. I had to tell you the truth.'

Gabby's heart filled with anger and confusion. How dare he come here, to her brother's funeral, and confess his infidelity? She wanted to scream at him, to tell him to leave and never come back, but she couldn't find the words.

Instead, she stood there, her eyes burning with unshed tears. Jackson took her silence as a cue to continue.

"I never meant to hurt you." he said. "It was a mistake, and I regret it everyday. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I had to tell you the truth."

Gabby finally found her voice, and it was filled with venom. "The truth? You think confessing your betrayal at my brother's funeral is the truth? How could you do this to me, Jackson? To my brother?"

Tears started to fall down Gabby's cheeks as she thought about her brother. He would've never forgiven Jackson for what he did and neither would she.

"I-I'm so sorry." Jackson stammered, his own eyes filling with tears. "I know I messed up, but please give me a chance to make things right. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Gabby shook her head, her anger and heartache consuming her. "No, Jackson. It's over between us. I can't trust you anymore."

With that, she turned away from him, and walked away, leaving Jackson standing alone at her brother's funeral. He had lost not only Gabby, but also her brother's respect. And he would never be able to forgive himself for that.

As Gabby drove away the funeral, she couldn't believe how her life had turned upside down in the matter of days. She had lost her brother, best friend, now the love of her life. She felt alone and lost, with no one to turn to.

But as she reached her apartment, she saw a familiar figure waiting for her outside. It was her fellow firefighter, Ben. He had been her brother's best friend and had always been there for her, especially during this difficult time.

Without a word, Gabby ran into Ben's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. He held her tightly, letting her cry and release all her pent-up emotions. And in that moment, Gabby realised that she didn't need Jackson to make her feel whole. She had her brother's memory, and she had Ben, who had always been there for her.

As the days passed, Gabby slowly started to heal. She herself into her work, finding solace in helping others in need. And with Ben by her side, she found a new love and a new family in her brother's fellow doctors.

As for Jackson, he never stopped regretting his actions. He knew he had hurt Gabby in the worst possible way, and he would have to live with that guilt for the rest of his life. But he also learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of his actions and the importance of  honesty and trust in a relationship.

With all that was going on, Gabby knew that she needed a change. It was more of a spur of the moment thing, but she had to leave Seattle. There was too much baggage and heartbreak there.

It was a hot summer day in Chicago, the sun shining bright and the streets bustling with people going about their day. But for Gabby, the world seemed to have lost its colour and all the sounds around her were muted. She had just lost her brother, who was a surgeon, in a tragic accident. And to make matters worse, she had found out that her fiancé had been cheating on her. But she was determined to keep it all a secret, especially from new co-workers at Firehouse 51.

Gabby had always idolised her brother, who was 17 years older than her. They had a special bond, and he was the only one who truly understood her. Losing him was like losing a piece of herself.  But she knew that she had to be strong and carry on, just like her brother would have wanted her to.

On her first day at Firehouse 51, Gabby was assigned to her bunk by her captain. She was the only female firefighter in the house, but that didn't faze her. She had grown up with 3 older brothers, and she was used to being one of the boys. As she unpacked her things, she noticed the curious looks her fellow firefighters were giving her. But she brushed it off and focused on getting to know her new team.

The captain, Matt, was a stern, but fair leader. He introduced her to the rest of the crew- Kelly, the lieutenant, who was known for his charming wit- Otis and Cruz, the best of friends since their rookies days- and Herrmann, the most experienced firefighter in the house. Gabby immediately felt welcomed to the group, and for a moment, she forgot all about her personal troubles. But as the day went on, memories of her brother flooded her mind, and she had to fight back tears.

However, Gabby was determined to keep her emotions in check. She didn't want to seem weak or vulnerable in front of her new co-workers. She had a reputation to uphold, and she didn't want them to pity her. So, she put up a strong facade, pretending that everything was okay.

As the days went by, Gabby started to settle into her new routine. She learned the ropes and proved herself to be a valuable member of the team. Her co-workers were impressed by her skills and were beginning to warm up to her. But deep down, Gabby was struggling. She missed her brother more than ever, and the pain of his loss was eating her up inside.

One day, while they were out on a call, the team pushed to a plane crash on the freeway. The plane was completely totalled, and there were passengers trapped inside.  Gabby's heart raced as she thought of her brother, who had also been taken away a plane accident. It felt like she was out in the woods with them all over again. She could feel her hands trembling, and her mind was flossed with painful memories. But she quickly snapped out of it and focused on the task at hand.

With her experience as a surgeon, Gabby was able to help stabilise the driver until the paramedics arrived. The team was amazed by her calmness and swift actions. They had no idea that she was silently mourning the loss of her brother. As they headed back to the firehouse, Herrmann put a hand on her shoulder and said, "You did good today kid." Gabby smiled, grateful for the small gesture of comfort.

As she lay in her bunk that night, Gabby couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. She cried silently, mourning the loss of her brother and the betrayal of her fiancé. But to her surprise, she wasn't alone. Matt, who had overheard her sobs, sat down on her bunk and held her hand. He didn't say anything, but his presence was enough to comfort her.

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