Chapter 3

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One day, Gabby and Matt were hanging out at her apartment, just enjoying each other's company. Matt was rummaging through Gabby's pantry in search of a snack when Gabby received a call from her friend, Dr. Bailey, from Seattle. Dr. Bailey was excitingly sharing her wedding plans with Gabby and invited her to the wedding. But as Matt passed by, Gabby's friend heard a man's voice in the background and became curious.

"Who is that in the background, Gabby?" Dr. Bailey asked. "Do you have a man over at your place?"

"No, no, it's just Matt, my colleague from work." Gabby quickly responded, trying to dismiss any suspicions.

After the call ended Gabby turned to Matt and asked, "What are you doing in my kitchen, Matt?"

"Just looking for a snack, but it looks like you're all out of cookies." Matt joked, causing Gabby to chuckle.

Dr. Baileys curiosity about the man in Gabby's apartment only grew stronger, and she decided to get to the bottom of it. She called Alex Karev, a paediatric surgeon, who was also attending the wedding, to ask him to check on Gabby and see if everything was okay.
At the wedding, while Gabby and Matt were enjoying themselves, her ex-fiancé, Jackson, showed up, causing a scene. He was angry at Gabby for moving on and yelled at her for already being with a new man. "At least I waited until I was I single!" she spat out at him in anger. Matt quickly stepped in, defending Gabby and telling Jackson to leave her alone.

But Jackson wouldn't listen, and he ended up hitting Gabby outside of the after party. Matt saw this and immediately jumped into action, pinning Jackson to the ground and protecting Gabby.

Matt and Alex bumped into each other at the hospital. They had become friends at the wedding and started talking about the events of the previous night. As they were talking, they saw Jackson being reprimanded by the hospital staff for his behaviour.

"Who is that guy?" Matt asked, pointing at Jackson.

"He's Gabby's ex-fiancé." Alex replied "He's always been a hot-headed mess."

Matt's protective instincts kicked in, and he couldn't shake off his anger at Jackson for hurting Gabby. "I could really use a drink after that whole ordeal." Matt said, trying to calm himself down.

The two of them ended up going Joe's Bar, where Matt shared his story with Alex. In return, Alex shared his own story and struggles as a paediatric surgeon, and the two bonded over their shared experiences. They quickly became friends, and Matt was grateful to have someone to talk during this difficult time.

Meanwhile, inside the wedding, a surgical intern had been flirting with Matt, causing Gabby to feel a tinge of jealousy. But before intern could make a move, Gabby stepped in, claiming to be Matt's wife.

"Come on, baby, let's dance." Gabby said seductively, grabbing Matt's arm and pulling him closer. "I can give you a private one later too." she added with a grin.

Matt couldn't help but laugh and play along with Gabby's act, enjoying the closeness between them. And as they danced, they couldn't help but think that maybe there was more between them than just friendship.

The word about the firehouse being held hostage back in Chicago spread quickly, and everyone at the wedding began to approach Gabby, asking if she was okay. Despite the accident being months ago, Gabby was still struggling to overcome her trauma. But with Matt by her side, she felt strong and supported.

As the night came to an end, Gabby and Matt said their goodbyes to Alex and other wedding guests and headed back to their hotel. In the cab ride back, Matt couldn't stop thinking about Gabby and how amazing she had been throughout everything. And Gabby couldn't shake off the butterflies in her stomach, realising that she may have feelings for Matt after all.
It was a warm summer evening when Gabby returned from her trip to Seattle, where she had attended her friend, Dr. Baileys wedding.

As they sat in silence on the ride back to Chicago, Matt could sense that something was bothering Gabby. Despite being known for her bright and bubbly personality, he knew that she had a side that she kept hidden from the world. He gently put his hand on hers and gave her a reassuring smile. "You can tell me anything, you know. I'm here for you, Gabby." he said softly.

For a moment, Gabby hesitated. She had always been closed off when it came to talking about her emotions, but something about Matt's presence made her feel safe. She took a deep breath and decided to open up to him.

"I have been in and out of foster homes since I was a kid. It wasn't u til I was 10 years old that I was adopted into the Shepard family. They gave me a home and a family, and I will always be grateful for them. But then, my brother Mark...he was everything to me. He was an incredible surgeon and my best friend. He died in a plane crash 4 months ago." Gabby said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Matt's heart broke for Gabby, and he could see the pain in her eyes as she talked about her brother. He reached over and pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly as she finally let her tears flow. They sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts. as they made their way back to the firehouse.

However, their calm and quiet night was suddenly interrupted by a call to a warehouse fire. Casey and Dawson, along with their team, rushed to the scene and immediately went into action. But as they were trying to contain the blaze, a sudden explosion caused the roof to collapse, trapping them inside.

As the flames engulfed them, Matt and Gabby clung onto each other, trying to find a way out. They could feel the intense heat and knew that their chances of survival were slim. In that moment, Gabby knew that she had to tell Matt the truth about her feelings before it was too late.

"I have to tell you. I have to tell you before I die." Gabby said, her voice barely audible over the sound of the raging fire.

"Gabby, we are not going to die today. We are going to make it out of here, I promise." Matt replied, determination in his voice.

But Gabby knew that the odds were against them, and she couldn't hold back any longer. She poured her heart out to Matt, confessing her feelings for him and how he had been a constant source of support and comfort for her during the difficult times. She told him how much she cherished their friendship and how it had slowly turned into something more.

With tears in his eyes, Matt held Gabby close, knowing that this might be their last moments together. He whispered words of love and gratitude, assuring her that he felt the same way.

As they clung onto each other, surrounded by the fire and unsure of their fate, they both prayed for a miracle. And miraculously, they were rescued just in time by their fellow firefighters.

As they sat in the ambulance, both Matt and Gabby were grateful to be alive and for the chance to finally open up and share their true feelings for each other

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