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📍West London,England,5:45am

If there's one thing i hated most it was waking up early.And what better to wake up to than the continuous ringing of my phone beside me.God knows how long my phone had been ringing for,as i fell in and out of sleep,despite the loud noise.

Reluctantly with a groan,I reach for my phone.The bold,white writing at the top being the first thing that caught my eye.

5:50am the phone read.

My still tired eyes scanned the screen as multiple calls from my cousin Makayla and best friend Kenza filled the bottom half of the bright device.

"These girls stay on my ass" I lightly chuckled as I pressed the call button next to Makaylas name.

After 3 rings the phone was immediately answered.
"Girl please don't tell me you only just woke up,you know we have to be at the airport for 8:30."
Makayla rambled over the other side of the phone.As usual she was checking up on her little cousin,making sure Marnie was on schedule.

The pair were as close as could be.Despite having lots of other relatives their age,the two were clearly a dynamic duo.Only getting closer as they grew older.Marnie was grateful to have such a close relationship with her cousin,they were basically sisters.

"Good morning to you too,and no I've been up and awake this whole time."I wearily replied,making Makayla kiss her teeth.

"Marnie you take the longest out of all of us to get ready,go get your ass up and dressed,me and Kenza will be over in the next half an hour."She Replied propping her phone up,allowing her to put her shoes on.

"Alright Kayla,I'll start getting ready now I promise and I'll see you guys soon,drive safe."I stated,rolling out of bed,making my way over to my bathroom to get myself ready.

"Thank you Marnie,we'll see you soon girl,mwah."I softly laughed as I heard her kiss the phone.We exchanged our goodbyes as I decided on a simple,yet cute outfit,placing it on my bed for when i got out of the shower.
The three London living girls were all heading for New York,the big city itself.Why New York of all places you may be asking yourself.

Three years ago Marnie and Makaylas older cousin,Kishaun,had decided to pursue his love for music,specifically being in the Drill scene.Instantly,the two girls were at his side,expressing their support towards his dreams and goals.It felt as if his success grew overnight,as his unique sound was loved by the UK audience.His success even went so far that he had caught the attention of producers and labels in America,specifically being in New York.From his accent,to his lyrics and image the labels were eager to have him onboard.Undoubtedly the American drill scene was a huge opportunity to take Kishauns career to the next level,and that was when the decision was made.

After 3 years without seeing their older cousin,Makayla,Marnie and Kenza were en route to finally visit him.It was a last minute decision,but Kishaun had insisted they came over, as he would be dropping an album in the next few weeks,and he wanted them to celebrate his success with him.In person.
"Damn i take long in the shower."stepping out onto the cold flooring I grabbed my phone and checked the time.6:35am the phone read.

Money On My Mind by Nines echoed through the steamy bathroom as I did my skin care aswell as brushing my teeth.

Turning the tap off and drying my hands,I paused hearing faints sounds of knocking coming from downstairs of my apartment.That's when i remembered Kenza and Makayla had been on their way to mine just over half an hour ago.

Wrapping my towel tightly and securely around my body,I make my way downstairs,the knocks getting more and more impatient by the second.

"Wait i'm coming,just give me a sec"I shouted to them from inside of the apartment,as I searched for the keys to the front door in my Coach purse.

"Heyy Marnie how you doing babe."Kenza squealed bringing me in for a hug after i unlocked and opened the door.

"Kenza Kayla I missed you guys too much you don't understand."I reply pretending to dry my nonexistent tears.

"Missed you too girl even though we saw you like two days ago and basically live in eachothers skin." Kenza laughed showing her bright smile.

I swear this girl is too pretty she needs to get into modelling or something already!But it's true we really do live in eachothers skin,but that's why she's my best friend,she's family at this point.

"Hey baby i'm glad to see you started getting ready,"Makayla chuckled pulling me into a hug.

"I told you I've been up and ready guys,you think so low of me."I said raising my eyebrow trying to prove a point.

"Yeah and that's why you didn't answer the 30 phone calls from me and Kayla hm." Kenza said between giggles

" Okay guys come on now,we're actually gonna be late if i don't hurry up,"I state running upstairs to finish getting ready so we could finally leave.



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