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2:30pm,The Helena,Apartment complex,NY

"Ooo this shit fancy as hell."Makayla squealed running into the penthouse apartment.

It was currently our third day of being in New York and Kishaun had surprised us by buying us an apartment for our stay.Yes that's right he BOUGHT a whole apartment just for us.He had insisted he wanted us to be somewhere safe aswell as spacious,ensuring we felt at home.The apartment was beautiful,it had expansive floor-to-ceiling windows that offered panoramic views of the big city and sleek modern furnishings.It was like something out of a movie.

"Guys look at this view,you can see everything from up here wow."I said stunned,whilst taking a snap of the scene infront of me.

"I say we extend our stay,this is way nicer then our places in London."Kenza said whilst dragging her bag through the large front room.

"You're just saying that so you can be with your lil DOA boyfriend for longer."Makayla replied whilst raising her eyebrow at Kenza,making all of us laugh in agreement.

"Okay Marnie you're laughing a bit too hard like you're not trynna stay here with your mans too."Kenza paused,turning to look at me with an amused look.

"Girl bye what boyfriend,matter a fact what even is that."I answered,avoiding eye contact with her and Kayla who were burning holes into my head.

"Yeah right.You and Kay been getting real comfy lately,everybody can tell you two are feeling eachother,and Marnie don't get us started on the way he be looking at you girl."Kayla spoke like a proud mother.

"I'll admit we are feeling eachother.I hate to admit it though because that's one of Kishauns closest friends."I said with a sigh.

"Girl we know what Kishauns like,he's just overprotective,but he'll get over it eventually.He has to."Kayla replied reassuringly.She had a point,Kishaun had a tendency of overreacting over small things,only to be over the situation 2 days later.Bipolar ass.

"Yeah I guess you have a point,but still let's just keep this between us,I'm not about to argue with him 3 days into being here."I answered,looking at both Kayla and Kenza to show them I was being serious.

"We got you babe,we are all in support for you and Kay,so we wouldn't even think of telling him."Kenza said with a soft smile.

I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my hand,lighting up it showed a new instagram notification.I didn't think much of it as I had had multiple between today and yesterday.It was much more than usual as people were ecstatic I was finally getting into music again.I was about to place my phone down again,when a familiar name caught my eye.

@officialkayflocka has sent you a message.

"Erm...I'm gonna go unpack my things guys bye."I said awkwardly,rushing upstairs to my new room,causing Makayla and Kenza to look at eachother sideways.

"Hmm going to unpack her bags,that are still very much downstairs."Makayla exclaimed whilst chuckling.

"Bye she's deffo texting Kay,you see how quick she ran."Kenza said whilst clapping her hands together laughing.


Send your number through mama

And what exactly do
you plan on doing with it?🤨

Yo ass always this stubborn😂😂?

 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄'| KAY FLOCK IMAGINEWhere stories live. Discover now