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"I barely go on dates,so I hold yo hand."

-Lil Durk,Melody


As I awoke to the soft light filtering through the curtains,I felt the gentle tug of exhaustion pulling at my limbs,a reminder of the festivities that occurred the previous evening.The room was bathed in a quiet stillness,broken only by the occasional rustle of sheets as either Makayla or Kenza shifted in the large bed.Despite Kishaun providing us with a room each,the night ended with all of us staying in my room.

With a groan,I stretched my limbs,the events of the night before slowly coming back to me in fragments.Memories of laughter and conversation danced through my mind,mingling with the faint scent of alcohol that lingered in the air.I layed in silence,trying to convince myself to roll out of bed,when I heard my phone ringing from somewhere in the large hotel room.

With another loud groan,I reluctantly sat up from the bed,only to be met with a nasty sight.The room was a MESS.We had clearly left the room in a mess whilst we were getting ready yesterday,as I saw clothing and makeup scattered around the room.Oh and to top it off,my phone was somewhere amongst the mess,still ringing.

"Bro can someone please turn that off."I heard Kenza mumble with a groan.

"I got it I got it."I replied before hurrying to search for the phone,trying to make out where the ringing was coming from.

"Yes Hello."I huffed,answering the phone,slightly irritated.It was Kishaun ofcourse.

"Good morning to you too."He laughed loudly over the phone. "Don't tell me you guys only woke up now."

"I just woke up,Kenza and Kayla are still fast asleep."I said sluggishly whilst rubbing my eyes.

"You're gonna have to wake them up,B is trynna hit the studio at around 1:30.You're still trynna come right?He questioned.

"Yeah ofcourse,let him know we're still coming."I responded.

"Alright cool,I'll pick you guys up around 12:30 yeah."He spoke whilst smacking his lips,he was clearly eating.The two exchanged their goodbyes before Marnie turned towards the two sleeping girls with a sigh.This was gonna be a busy morning.


As we walked through the pristine white lobby of the hotel towards the exit,Kishauns all black Porsche came into view.Walking over to it,I lightly knocked on the window,letting him know we were there.

"You guys look terrible,what the fuck happened last night."Kishaun sniggered whilst covering his mouth to hide his smile.

"Thanks you,look like shit too,please remind us to never drink again."I snapped back,before reaching for KiKis phone to change the music to something more my taste.No one was trying to hear drill this early in the day.

I heard it was good through the grapevine(yeah,yeah)
I heard that you got a great mind(what?)
I don't think that we need to waste time.

I chuckled as we all recited the lyrics to the King Von track,he was one of my favourite artists,aswell as Durk.

"You know everybody you met yesterday is already fucking with you guys heavy and I mean heavyyy."Kishaun spoke proudly. "Especially TiTi Bella,she was going on and on about you guys,especially you Marnie."

"Aww I love that woman already,she's so sweet and friendly,I can't wait to see her again."I gushed with a hand on my chest,flattered that she had taken such a liking in me.

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