Another Match

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After Luna and Loki got done speaking to Ayato about Isagi, all they could do was wonder what else he was capable of. They both started walking back to their hotel and saw Isagi on the way.

"Is there something you need? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Isagi.

Loki stuttered, "Um- I- nothing, I'm- well we're just tired. I'm going to head back to my hotel." Isagi looked at Loki with suspicion, but just brushed it off.

The France Prodigy awkwardly left the two, making a run to his hotel.

"Is there something you need, Luna?" "You know, I've been wondering, is there something you're hiding from all of us? The Bluelock players to be exact," Luna asked.
Isagi gulped, "N- No. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know, it's just... I believe you could be something more. Your brother was telling me how you were in the Lunar Arena accident and you were pretty traumatized..."
"I think I'm just gonna leave-"
"No. Tell me if you're hiding something."

Luna got closer to Isagi and his heart rate started to pick up. He felt confused and furious at the same time, but couldn't intercept his intertwined emotions.

"Come on~ Yes, or no. Just tell me," Luna said with a smirk.
"I- I," Isagi stuttered nervously. They glared at each other.
"Okay. Fine. You win, Luna. But I don't want to hear any rumors being spread, 'kay?"

Luna put his right hand on his chest, and made a zipping motion in his lips with his left hand. 'I promise to keep my mouth shut,' he seemed to say.


After Ayato told the prodigies about how he lashed out on his brother, he gathered up the courage to apologize, thinking maybe this could strengthen their relationship better.

"Hey, Yoichi. I just wanted to say I'm sorry?" Ayato tried to practice what he was saying to reduce the risk of him just getting embarrassed in front of his little brother. But he couldn't mutter anything more, so he thought that was enough

Ayato walked over to Isagi's dorm room and knocked.

"Yoichi? Yo? Can you open the door please? I want to talk to you," Ayato knocked once more, and Isagi opened the door.
"What do you need now, Ayato?" He said, and Ayato noticed that Isagi didn't call Toya anymore.
"I just... wanted to talk to you... for a second."
"Uhm. Okay? Why are you bringing this up now especially this late at night?" asked Isagi as he leaned on the door frame.

Ayato straightened his posture and cleared his throat.

"I just wanted to say... I'm..."

Isagi stared at him in boredom. Unamused

"I just wanted to say..." Those were the only words Ayato could get out of his mouth. He felt a knot in his stomach, and his hands were shaky.

"You know what. I think I'm just gonna leave. I'm real sorry for bothering you," Ayato sighed as he turned his back and started to walk back to his dorm room.
"Hey Ayato wait a sec," Isagi caught up.

"Do you want to do a quick 1v1? I doubt anyone is there considering this time of night."
"And why do you want to do that right now?"
"Because I didn't like your smug face when you came over here."
"Fine, but make it quick," Ayato begrudgingly agreed.
"I sure will," Isagi said with a smirk on his face.

Ayato and Isagi arrived at one of the fields and no one was there so they went ahead and got into their positions to start.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Isagi said in a cocky tone.
"Well obviously. Why would I be here if I wasn't even good. I've been playing France, y'know?" Ayato joked.

Isagi counted down from 3 and the game started. Isagi took off with the ball and acted like Ayato wasn't even there. Ayato took after him and eventually, and was now right in front of him. "What are you gonna do now..." Ayato thought to himself.

Ayato looked into Isagi's eyes and saw a spark; one he had never seen before in anybody's eyes and it was like he was... awakening... waiting for it to be ignited. His eyes shone a brilliant radiance, and his pupil configured into a star shape.

Isagi suddenly passed him by doing a roulette turn and ran his way to the goal line. He was so fast, that not even Ayato could process what was happening before his very own eyes.

Isagi flicked the ball up with his foot, caught it with his heel, and shot it in the corner of the goal. Ayato stood there in shock. It was like what he did was a combination of Rin's, Bachira's, and Nagi's power all in one.

"Nice shot, huh? I told you I've been practicing" Isagi said as he jogged back to the center where Ayato was. "Yoichi! How did you do that? Wasn't that-"
"I don't really know, to be honest with you. I feel like it was more of my body and eyes working than my mind," said Isagi as he walked towards his bag to get a sip of water.

Was Ayato's little brother, Isagi Yoichi, possibly hiding something from everyone else? Was he more than what people already thought of him?

The Next Day¶

Luna and Loki were getting ready for their day and went to go get some breakfast.

"Hey Loki. Were you okay last night? You didn't seem like yourself."
Loki turned his attention to him, "Yeah, I'm fine it's just... That Isagi has really got me thinking about him." "And why is that?" Luna teasingly asked.
"I don't know. After Toya told me all about him, it's like I just want to know more and more of what he could be capable of. It's strange on how he neber told me anything before."

"Well..." Luna chuckled, "What if I told you... he is something more."

Loki looked at him in question, "What do you mean?"
"Well, last night, after you left, I kept asking Isagi questions and he finally opened up about his true self! I was thinking maybe we could challenge him and some other people of his choice to do a 5v5."
"Sounds good to me. Hopefully, we can finally see the true Isagi Yoichi" Loki says as he continues to eat his food.

'Going against The Author... What does that title mean, and how powerful is he? Will I finally encounter an unexpected and new rival?' Loki thought to himself and picked up his food.

"This multicolored dango tastes heavenly!" Loki exclaimed, making Luna cackle maniacally at his younger's antics.


Chapter written by kuzanamoon!

Star V: Idk why, but I'm literally obsessed with the World 5, like they deserve more screen time bro😭✋

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