Part Seventeen

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Severus walked behind Harry as they made their way to the old goat's office. He watched as Harry paused before the Gargoyle and wrung his hands nervously.

Severus stepped forward and touched his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. He said the password word, and the Statue turned to relieve the staircase. They went up and knocked at the office door, entering when the old man called for them to enter.

Dumbledore looked up and frowned slightly at the boy and the Options master. "Severus, I don't remember us having a meeting scheduled with you," The man said, and Severus shook his head.

"No, I am here for your meeting with Harry; as his head of house, I am required to be here," he said in a monotone voice.

"Well, my boy," the old man starts. "You don't have to accompany young Potter. I am his legal guardian, and I am allowed to meet him alone," he says, and Severus smirks.

"I am afraid not, Headmaster," he said, and Dumbledore gave him a questioning look. "It seems that young Potter's Guardian has changed over the past few weeks," Snape said, and Dumbledore's eyes widened.

"I-I see," Dumbledore stutters, "Well, Mr. Potter, your friends have expressed some concerns about you lately, and I just wanted to see for myself," Dumbledore said, and Snape resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Forgive me, Headmaster," he began. "But if this meeting has nothing to do with his education, then I believe it is over," he said, motioning for Harry to leave the room.

"Severus, I am trying to help him defeat the Dark Lord," Dumbledore said. Severus paused and looked at him.

"I would advise you to refrain from calling him back here. His guardian will not take nicely to you interfering with his education," he said. With that, they exited the office, leaving a seething Dumbledore behind.

Not a second after the door shut, Dumbledore was heading to the floo; he floo'ed to the Ministry. He entered the ministry and headed straight to the adoption department, he made sure that no one was ever able to adopt Harry, so after he heard the news about the changed guardian shit he was shocked.

"Headmaster," The wizard in charge of the department said when he saw the man.

"Cleveland," Dumbledore said, "I need to check on one of my students who has been recently adopted. I wish to check by whom they were adopted." He said this, and the man nodded, luring Dumbledore to his office.

"What's the student's name?" Cleveland asked.

"Harry Potter," Dumbledore said, and Cleveland paused before waving his wand, and a file came flying towards him.

He opened the file and read it over. "Harry Potter, adopted by his Godfather," Cleveland said, and Dumbledore frowned.

"But Sirius is in prison," He said, and Cleveland shook his head.

"No, I'm talking about Severus Snape and his mate Tom Riddle," Cleveland said, and Dumbledor scolded.

"I see," he said before turning around and storming out of the office, leaving Cleveland confused.

He quickly sent a Patronus off and got back to his original work.

Back at Hogwarts in a dungeon bedroom, Severus sat at the edge of the bed looking down at his sleeping Dom. He gently reached his hand, running a finger down his cheek. "I should hate you," he whispered.

"But you don't," A husky voice said, his eyes connected with red ones.

"No," He said softly as Tom slowly sat up.

"You should," Tom said, Pulling him further onto the bed and making him sit beside him.

"I know," the submissive said, leaning his head on Tom's shoulder. "I should despise you, but I can't. I know you weren't in control, and it just makes it harder to even try to hate you," Severus said, and Tom wrapped a hand around his waist and pulled him closer.

"Christmas is coming up," Tom said, and Severus looked at him in confusion. "We should go somewhere, just us. We can go at the beginning and come back before Yule. It's just the two of us like we used to. Get away from Magical Britain and relax for a bit," He suggested.

A Patronus came into the room, making them look over at it. "Professor Snape, My name is Cleveland, and I am from the adoption center at the ministry. Headmaster Dumbledore was just here asking about your adoption of Harry. I thought it would be best to inform you," The voice said before the glowing animal disappeared.

"I figured he'd go there after our meeting," Severus said, "I told him Harry was adopted," Severus said.

"Well, it's a blood adoption," Tom said, letting out a yawn. "What was that potion? I feel so tired," he asked.

"It is supposed to clean the other potion out of you so that you can heal properly," Severus said, and Tom looked at him.

"What?" He explained, "Severus..." He began but was cut off by the man.

"No, Tom," He said, glaring at the man, "You will not take any more of that potion, or I will leave you before I lose you," Severus said, and Tom looked at him as if assessing him.

"Fine," He finally agreed, and Severus smiled, leaning in. He kissed him quickly before pulling away with a blush on his cheeks.

"I'll go get you something to eat since you missed dinner," By the time he said the last word, he was already out the door of the room.


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Word count: 884

Re-published: April  24, 2024, 1:30 pm

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