PART XVII: Dance on the train

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Swiftly, Kumaran dodged the claws of the demon and his fist connect with its face. It was pushed back by the sheer force of it. It let out a groan; the divine spirit energy that engulfed Kumaran's fist burnt where it hit.

Smoke rose from the demon's face. It whipped its head back at him.

Kumaran leapt forth and swung with his other fist. His fist was about to hit the demon again, he was sure it couldn't have dodged it, but shockingly, the demon dissolved into black shadow and plopped into their footing, the train roof. His punch sliced through the empty air and his momentum carried him forth.

"What the?!" Kumaran gasped, trying to balance himself. He caught evil energy rising right behind him.

Shadows shot out of the roof behind him, whirling and twisting, materialising into the demon. It tried to slice him, but he luckily dodged it at the last moment. However, he couldn't dodge the follow up kick aimed at his face and had to take it while defending his face by folding his arms and holding them up against it.

The kick sent him two compartments away from the demon, recocheting on the roof until he slammed his hand hard on it, pressing to gain friction and heaving himself to a stop.

When he looked up, the demon sank its hand into the shows of the roof. Shadows travelled all the way to Kumaran in a flash and shot out again, materialising into a claw and swinging at him. Before he could react, it gravely scratched his ankles.

"Argh!" Kumaran reflexively pulled back his legs.

The shadows travelled back to the demon and it pulled its hands out of the roof, grinning at him.

"So that's how you dance, huh? Tricky." Kumaran smiled.

"There is more!" It came running at him.

Kumaran moved his right foot back and gained a firm footing as he got into a stance, ready to punch the demon.

It came close when Kumaran swung his fist at it and then dissolved into shadows again that sank into the roof. But this time, when it materialised behind him, he swung back his left fist and drove it straight into its slim belly before it could do anything.

"I won't fall the same shit twice!" Kumaran grinned, throwing it away with the full force of his punch, making it crash on a passing by building.

Thrilled for a follow up meteor of punches, blood rushing in a frenzy through his veins, Kumaran jumped off the train and leapt straight at it, preparing another brutal punch.

Just as he was about to hit it, thinking it was out of its wits, it dissolved again and he ended up hitting the wall. He saw shadows burst out of the wall beside him and before he could turn, a big claw grabbed his head and smashed it on the concrete, making him almost taste the paint and bits of cement.

"Gagh!" He let out a painful sound, closing his eyes.

Next thing he knew, he was thrown at a crazy speed. His back hit on something hard and bounces off; he knew it was the train roof. Swiftly, he somersaulted mid-air and gained a footing on the train again, dragging his palm against the roof.

The demon also hopped back onto the train, just beside him. It was fast. A rain of strategical blows came at Kumaran and he tried to dodge, but he couldn't dodge most of them. It was great in strategy and technique, he thought as he took the hurtful blows, groaning and grunting.

When he leapt back to get some time to come up with a plan, it sank its hands and legs into the roof and shadows stretched out to him again.

"Oh gimme a break..." Kumaran muttered, trying to dodge the claws and kicks that shot out of the shadows.

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