PART XIX: The line that shouldn't be crossed

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Back in the hideout of the demon, Kumaran woke up, eyes wide open. He heard sounds of struggle and immediately sat up. On the stone steps, the psycho was leaning over Das amidst pieces of collapsed rock that lay scattered. The statue of the demon was no longer there. It seemed it had exploded when Kumaran exorcised it. Even the fire had almost burnt out. But that was not what he needed to focus on then; he shot up to his feet.

"So what if that demon is gone?!" The psycho shouted, trying to press through Das bulky arms and impale him with a sharp knife. "This is more fun anyways!"

"You will pay for this..." Das groaned, doing his best to push back the heartless human.

Kumaran bulleted to the side of the pyscho and curled his fingers around his wrist. Clenching his fist, he broke the wrist bones of the villain in his merciless clutch. He felt the bones break into sharp shards and pierce through the flesh of the psycho.

When the psycho screamed, a kind of satisfaction filled Kumaran's fiery heart and he shouted, "Is this fun?! How you like this?!! Argh!!" He tossed the psycho like a toy across the hideout with a monstrous cry.

The psycho hit flat on the wall and came sliding down, eventually sprawling on the floor gracelessly.

"What on Earth..." Das whispered in utter shock.

Kumaran ignored Das and turned all his attention at the criminal; he was trying to get up, holding his wrist and screaming in pain. Looking at his vile face, Kumaran couldn't help but feel toxic rage simmer in him. He bellowed and ran at full speed at the criminal, grabbing his fragile neck in his hands and pinning it on the wall with a brutal slam.

"Are you enjoying this?! Tell me!! You sick shit!" Kumaran curled his fingers tight around the man's neck, gritting his teeth. He could feel the fire in his heart, and his hand twitched to snap the criminal's neck.

The criminal choked and closed his eyes, trying to free his neck from Kumaran's grasp bit it was no use. His strength was nothing near Kumaran's.

"Kumaran..." Das called him.

Kumaran ignored him again and pressed the criminal further on the wall till he started coughing blood.

"Bleed! Bleed you worm!" Kumaran shouted at his face.

"Kumaran! That's enough!" Das shouted and demanded him to stop.

"Don't show mercy for the likes of these, inspector!" Kumaran snapped. "That demon! He was a demon! But this guy?! He calls himself human?! Look at his face! Not a fricking ounce of regret!!"

"I... did... what I... like..." The criminal blurted words in whispers as his face became blue withe suffocation.

"Even now no regret!" Kumaran growled, his voice way different. He couldn't believe his own voice. He couldn't believe what he was doing. It was unlike him. But he didn't want to stop. He liked it.. he wanted to spill out the poison of rage and make the psycho taste his own medicine.

"Leave him at once, Kumaran! He is done for!" Das ordered.

"Is he? He seems fine to me? He wants fun!" Kumaran let go of his neck and let him drop to the ground.

He coughed and gasped for breath.

Without letting him catch his breath, Kumaran crushed his knees with his foot and broke it into pieces.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!" The criminal cried, slamming the floor and wriggling on it.

Kumaran didn't take his feet of. Instead he pressed deeper. "Having fun now?! Tell me!! Are you having fun?!" He grabbed his collar and made him sit up again. "Answer me!!"

"Kumaran!" Das shouted but got ignored again.

"What did I do wrong?!! I just wanted to be happy!" The psycho shouted.

"Killing others makes you happy?! You FRICKING BASTARD!!" Kumaran pinned him on the wall again. "People like you are the reason this society is horribly rotten! You are the cancer that needs to be removed! To be killed!"

"Is that so?" The psycho laughed. "Look at you, boy! You are thrilled... you are enjoying... You think you are different?!"

"I am way different than you!!" Kumaran slapped him continuously till he spilled blood from his mouth.

"I think the jury is out on that, kid..." The psycho muttered, half-unconscious.

"Why you—" Kumaran pulled his fist.

"KUMARAN!!" Das shot a bullet. "That's enough!! He has fainted! We got him! It is over!!"

"Is it?!" Kumaran glared over his shoulders. "I know what you guys are gonna do! You will just put him for life imprisonment or just hang him! Easy death for someone so evil! Or maybe just a few years of prison! He might even escape! That's what the system will do!"

"That's upto the system. Don't take law in your hands. Law will do what is best."

"Best? Who is the law for? Us?! Or these bastards!!" Kumaran turned at the criminal again. "I will kill him here and now!"

"There is a line that we shouldn't cross, Kumaran." Das said. "You're a good guy. Don't listen to him. Please... Don't do this..."

Kumaran got filled with anger. "Screw the law!" He swung his fist at the criminal and the whole hideout shook with the slam.


Kumaran pulled his fist back from the crack in the wall beside the criminal's head. "You..." He left the criminal and turned to Das. "Make sure, that this son of a devil gets what he deserves..."

"Thanks for trusting me, Kumaran." Das nodded.

"I still don't agree with you. But I don't wanna become an outlaw." Kumaran glared.

Das looked at him with confused eyes.

"Now let's get things wrapped up here." Kumaran turned away and looked at the four dead bodies in ghe corner. "We need to bury them as well..."

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