Daddy punished you?

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"What?" yelled Aqua and her screams echoed in the whole canteen, "What did I do? Why am I not getting breakfast?"

She was nearly in tears because however pathetic the food was, she always ate the breakfast.

Hoba felt bad but he had to follow Suga's instructions, "Boss leader's orders."

Aqua gritted her teeth. It had been just 2 days and that evil cat was showing his colors.

"May I ask why?" she asked trying to keep her patience.

Smiling sadly, Hoba informed her that she had slept 5 minutes extra so this was her punishment.

"What?" Aqua screamed again, "But – but every day Jin let me sleep for 30 minutes extra and now for 5 minutes that meow is killing me of starvation?"

Hoba begged Aqua to keep her voice down. If he heard it then he will make sure that Aqua would never eat food.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she sat on their usual table watching Jimin and Tae eat.

She told them everything. Tae felt bad and offered her the bread. Before Aqua could even touch the bread, she saw Suga standing by the window and staring at her.

"Shit!" she whispered and shook her head, "Leave. Or he'll punish you too. Like a demon he's gonna haunt me now. I'm so sure."

Jimin began laughing hearing that but Tae froze in his place. He saw JK standing beside Suga and glaring at Tae. In just two days, everyone had understood that something was going on with JK and Tae. Whenever Tae was down, JK would stare at him unblinking for hours. Finally, men, women had stopped staring at JK because they knew JK's target was Tae. But people were still confused if JK wanted to fuck Tae or kill him. Jimin was sure that JK was planning Tae's murder in his head, whereas Aqua was convinced that JK wanted to fuck the brains outta Tae.

"Oh god! He's started again," Jimin nudged Aqua and they both glanced at JK.

Growling, Aqua rolled her eyes, "Tae Tae, are you okay?"

Tae nodded his head looking down at the bread with great intensity.

"Are you wearing underwear?" she asked and Jimin hit her head.

"What?" she yelled offended, "I'm just saying that Tae should take all the precautions. You never know what's coming from that giant sex machine."

"Sex machine?" Jimin made a disgusted face and shook his head.

Aqua winked and nodded her head, "Oh yeah! If he's looking at Tae Tae like that from distance, I wonder what he will do when Tae's under him."

Tae turned completely red hearing that and stared more intently at the bread. Weirdly, he didn't feel bad or offended, he felt good hearing Aqua's nasty words.

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