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•Astral Manipulation : The ability to manipulate the Astral plane and construct elaborate illusions. If this ability is powerful enough the user can affect other individuals in the illusion.

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•Astral Projection : User can separate their spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access of travel to the . Users can also see events occurring in the real world.

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•Energy Shield : The ability to generate a shield made out of energy.

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•Illusive Appearance : The ability to alter the user's appearance through illusion. The user can appear as anyone or anything.


•LevitationThe ability to hover oneself or other objects into the air.


•Matter ManipulationThe ability to shape and manipulate matter (anything) with their mind.

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•Memory ManipulationThe power to see into the memories of others and sift through them. The user can also bring other people into the memories of individuals. This also includes the ability to manipulate memories.

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•Mind ExchangeThe ability to switch bodies with another person.


•Multiple BodiesThe power of sharing a body with another person. For example, most of the time Kerry lives inside of Cary's body. She only ages when she is outside of his body.

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•PanmnesiaThe power of perfect memory recall.


•PossessionThe ability to embed their consciousness within the minds of others. The embed mind can only be removed if the mind is willing to leave.


•Reality WarpingThe ability to manipulate reality at will.

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•Regenerative Healing FactorThe ability to heal quicker than an average person.


•Sensory SharingThe ability to feel another person's experiences.

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•Sleep InducementThe ability to cause an individual to fall asleep.

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•Sound NullificationThe ability to mute all sound.

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•TelekinesisThe ability to move and manipulate physical matter with thoughts. This is often used through hand gestures.

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•TelepathyThe ability to read another person's mind. The user's thought can also be projected into another's mind.

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•TeleportationThe ability to instantaneously travel from one location to another. This ability can be extended outside of the user to other people and objects


•Time ManipulationThe ability to control time through stopping it, travelling forward in time or backwards.

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•Incubus Inducement/Transformation:
The user can transform oneself or others into an Incubus or Incubi-like creatures or hybrids granting them demonic abilities and/or traits.

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