Chapter 8: Ending the fight!

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Y/n flew up quickly, hitting Pumpki in the ribs with a punch, sending him flying backwards, before Y/n teleported again, and slammed Pumpki into the ground. He flew down and kicked Pumpki in the chin, knocking him into the air again.
Y/n: Let's finish this! Supreme Kamehameha!
He put his arms to one side again and charged a stronger Kamehameha, then fired it at Pumpki, finishing the fight, as Pumpki crashed to the ground, unconscious.
Y/n: Now, to get my classmates!
He teleported away to the landslide zone, where Todoroki was standing.
Y/n: Todoroki.
Todoroki: Y/n? You look, different.
Y/n: You can thank the Saiyans for that. I'm getting us all out of these zones. Who else are you with?
Todoroki: Hagakure.
Y/n: You two, hold on, I'll teleport us out of here.
The two grabbed a hold of the Saiyan male, who teleported back to the entrance, then away to get the rest of his classmates.
All Might: Y/n...already being a hero.
He rushed down the stairs, taking out every villain along the way and grabbing Aizawa.
All Might: Sorry, Aizawa.
He then swooped up Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta, while knocking the hand off of the ringleader's face.
Mineta: Huh? Huh?! What?
All Might: Everyone, get to the entrance, I'm leaving Aizawa to you. Y/n has learned what the true power of Saiyans really is, I entrust him to handle the low class villains up there. Aizawa's unconscious. Hurry!
Mineta: Yes, sir!
Tsu: Ribbit.
Midoriya: All Might...
Y/n: All Might! Be careful with that thing! I saw it eat up one of Midoriya's hits like it was nothing!
Shigaraki: it's no's no's no good. I-I'm sorry, Father...
He picked up the hand on the ground and put it back on his face.
Shigaraki: He hit me as he was saving them. It's the violence of a government official. He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes. But not as fast as I thought he'd be. I guess it's true, after all...that he's getting weaker.
Y/n teleported to the three and grabbed Aizawa.
Y/n: Come with me. You'll all be safe, I promise.
He teleported the four back to the entrance as All Might charged at the villain, crossing his arms in an X.
All Might: Carolina...!
Shigaraki: Nomu.
Nomu stepped in front of All Might, blocking his attack.
All Might: ..Smash!
The Nomu swiped at All Might, who ducked below it's arms, then punched it, to no avail. The two continued to trade blows, Y/n gathered the rest of his classmates to the entrance before All Might suplexed the Nomu.
Sato: All Right! Take that!
Sero: W-wow!
Sato: Those guys are underestimating All Might too much!
Mineta: How did he make a suplex look like an explosion?!
Y/n: He's All Might, that's how.
Tsu: Even though he's A rookie teacher who can't teach without looking at his notes.
Y/n: That was just unnecessary shade, Tsu, I approve.
Tsu: Do you think we were overthinking it?
Y/n: It's likely.
Tsu: He's amazing!
Y/n and Izuku looked at each other, knowingly. When the fog faded, they saw A portal where All Might had Suplexed the Nomu, allowing it to squeeze him.
Shigaraki: Were you trying to keep him from moving by sticking him deep in the concrete? You won't be able to stop him like that. Because Nomu is as strong as you are. This is good, Kurogiri. It's an unexpected opportunity.
The Nomu squeezed harder, right on All Might's weak spot.
Y/n: I can't stand around!
Midoriya and Y/n rushed forward, but as they did a portal opened in front of them, Bakugo then flew in and blew them out of the way.
Bakugo: You're in the way, Deku!
Bakugo pinned Kurogiri to the ground as Nomu got frozen by Todoroki.
Todoroki: All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might.
Y/n: He stopped it before it froze All Might, and its grip loosened!
He flew at the Nomu, and punched it through the portal as All Might jumped out of its grasp.
Midoriya: All Might!
Kirishima jumped at Shigaraki, trying to hit him, but Shigaraki stepped out of the way.
Kirishima: Huh? Damn it! I didn't get to show off enough!
Bakugo: Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody!
Pumpki then woke back up and charged at Y/n, who blocked his attack.
Y/n: Remember how this went down last time?
Todoroki: The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you.
Midoriya: Kacchan! Everyone!
Y/n: We're not letting All Might die here!
Shirigiri: Kurogiri, our exit and entrance, has been overcome. We're in a pinch.
Bakugo: You careless bastard. You're just what I thought you'd be. Only a certain part of you can turn into a misty warp gate. The fog gate covered your actual body, right? Back then...if you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said "that was close."
Kurogiri tried to get up, but Bakugo blasted him back down.
Bakugo: Don't move!
Y/n knocked Pumpki to the ground, then knocked him out again with A Ki Blast.
Bakugo: if I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up.
Kirishima: His behavior isn't very hero-like...
Y/n: Tell me about it.
Shigaraki: In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured. Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look bad. Nomu.
The beast woke up and broke out of the ice, his arm falling apart.
Midoriya: Even though his body's broken...he's still moving?
All Might: Get back, everyone!
Nomu's arm quickly regenerated itself.
Y/n: A healing factor?!
Shigaraki: He was made to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag. First, we need to get our gate back.
All Might: Y/n! Go keep your classmates at the entrance safe!
Y/n: Got it!
He flew up to his Classmates at the entrance quickly as Nomu rushed at Bakugo, All Might, however, took the Attack for Bakugo.
Midoriya: Ow...K-Kacchan! Kacchan?! You dodged?! That's amazing!
Bakugo: No, shut up, scum!
Kirishima: Then how...?
Bakugo: Then that was...
The fog cleared and they saw All Might standing there.
Midoriya: All Might!
Y/n: At this rate, he'll be destroyed!
All Might: Do you not know how to hold back?
Shigaraki: It was to rescue my companions. I had no choice. I mean, earlier, that plain-looking one. He was about to punch me with everything he had, you know. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right, hero? You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry that this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. "Symbol of Peace"? Ha. You're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!
All Might: That's preposterous. The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn silently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?
Todoroki: It's three against five.
Midoriya: Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!
Kirishima: These guys are crazy, but if we backup All Might, we can push them back!
All Might: No! Run away. Y/n cannot stay in his powered up form forever, and when he runs out he cannot swoop in to save you as quickly as he could now.
Todoroki: You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?
All Might: That was a different story, Young Todoroki. Thanks. But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got.
Midoriya: All Might, you're bleeding...Besides, time's--
All Might gave Midoriya a thumbs up before standing taller.
Shigaraki: Nomu, Kurogiri. Get him. I'll deal with the children. Now, let's clear this and go home.
Kirishima: Hey, we've got to do this after all!
All Might and Nomu rushed at each other, locking fists and creating a strong burst of wind that sent Shigaraki flying.
Shigaraki: Damn. Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you?
All Might: Yes, I did!
The two threw punches of equal power at each other, making more gusts of wind.
Midoriya: A head-on fistfight?
Kirishima: W-Wow...!
Kirigiri: I can't get near them.
All Might: If your Quirk isn't shock nullification but shock absorption, then there;s a limit to it, right? Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!
All Might started to hurt the Nomu increasingly more, before sending it flying back, then slamming it into the ground as the two flew across the USJ from the impact of their attacks, before All Might finished it off with one final punch.
All Might: Plus Ultra...!
The Nomu flew into the top of the USJ, breaking the top and sending the Nomu high into the sky.
Sero: That was a villain up there just now, wasn't it?
Sato: Y-yeah.
Y/n: The one they brought to fight All Might. I guess All Might overpowered it.
The students at the gate celebrated All Might's Victory, while Y/n teleported to the other areas to check on their classmates, where he saw Kaminari held hostage by A villain.
Villain: Give it up. Did you think I wouldn't notice? A kid's naive thinking only works on dumb adults. Novice heroes shouldn't make light of hostages. If you two don't put up a fight, I'll let this idiot go.
Y/n charged up a Ki blast right at the back of the villain's head.
Y/n: How about you let him go anyways?
Villain: Oh yeah? And why should I?
Y/n: This Ki is enhanced by the Saiyan's strongest technique, if you don't want to feel how bad it hurts being on the receiving end of A Saiyan's Ki Blast, I advise you to drop my Classmate.
The Villain didn't drop Kaminari, and instead started to laugh, Y/n, in response, kicked the villains leg, shattering it, making him cry out in pain and fall to the ground, releasing Kaminari. Y/n then shot the Ki Blast up as the other villains started to stand.
Y/n: Everybody stay on the ground! I'm in a bad enough mood as it is and you'd hate to make it even worse!
Momo: Y/
Jiro: Look different.
Y/n: I've been getting that A lot, when I lost my tail, I was able to transform like this.
Suddenly, A gunshot rang out.
Y/n: Reinforcements are here.
Nezu: Sorry, everyone! I gathered all who were immediately available.
Y/n teleported away, before turning back to normal, his hair and eye color returning to how they were before, before falling over, Mina catching him.
Y/n: I guess...the adrenaline was the only thing keeping me standing...without my'll be hard to balance.
Mina: Don't worry, Y/n! I'll help you!
Snipe: My goodness...
Midnight: I can't believe we let them escape after they made such a big show of trespassing.
Nezu: They caught us completely unguarded, huh? More importantly, we must make sure the students are safe.
Todoroki: If this many pro heroes have gathered here, then it looks like they did not attack the whole school.
Kirishima: Midoriya!
Midoriya: Oh, Kirishima...
Kirishima: Are you all right?
Midoriya: K-Kirishima, wai--!
A wall made of the ground then appeared in front of Kirishima.
Cementoss: We want to make sure that all the students are safe, so please gather in front of the gate. We will deal with the injured here.
Kirishima: That makes sense! Roger that! Hey, he said to gather in front of the gate!
All Might: Thanks. You saved me, Cementoss.
Cementoss: I am a fan of yours, too. Let's get you to the nurse's office while keeping you hidden. But man, you act recklessly every time, huh?
All Might: if I didn't act Recklessly, I would've been killed. That was how strong the enemy was.
The class gathered outside the gates and was counted by A detective.
Detective: Other than the boy with both legs seriously injured and the other boy with his tail yanked off, everyone else seems unharmed.
Hagakure: Ojiro. I heard you were fired up this time. You were strong by yourself, huh?
Ojiro: I thought everyone was by themselves. I survived using hit-and-run tactics. Where were you, Hagakure?
Hagakure: In the landslide area! Todoroki was super strong. I was surprised!
Ojiro: Anyway, I'm glad you weren't hurt.
Aoyama: you think I was?
Tokoyami: I see, so the people you fought were also just hooligans?
Kirishima: They underestimated us because we're kids! But oh man did we show them! Especially Y/n when his hair went all golden like that!
Aoyama: Where...
Sero: So it was All Might who put the hole in the dome after all?
Sato: That's some crazy power.
Shoji: Yeah, as expected of All Might.
Aoyama: Where do you think I was?
Tsu: Where?
Aoyama: It's a secret!
Detective: Let's have the students return to their classroom for now. We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?
Tsu: Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa.
Y/n: He's ngh been sent to the hospital for his injuries, he'll live, luckily.
Ashido: What about thirteen?
Detective: Thirteen has been treated. The laceration from the back to upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will survive. All Might will also survive. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office.
Uraraka: Deku!
Iida: What about Midoriya?
Detective: Midori...? Oh, treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him, too. Luckily your other classmate here didn't need to go to either, apparently all that was caused from him losing his tail is some stinging pain and minor bleeding.
Uraraka: Oh, good...
Detective: Now, go back to your classroom.
Class: Okay.
They walked back and piled onto the bus once again.
Detective: Sansa, I also have some business in the nurse's office. I'll leave the rest to you.
Sansa: Yes, sir!
Uraraka: It's a cat...not a dog.
Kirishima: Bakugo! He said to go back to the classroom!
Bakugo: I know! Bastard.
The class made their way back to the classroom, several of his classmates giving Y/n advice on how to balance properly without his tail. When it became dusk, most of the class walked through the halls together, talking about the day.

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