Chapter 1: The Entrance Exam!

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14 years after Y/n's parents found him in the pod, he had learned how to master his quirk, and use his tail as another hand of sorts. From a Young Age, Y/n wanted nothing more than to be A hero, and finally he was preparing for the Entrance Exam for U.A., the best hero school in Japan. He approached the Entrance Exam nervously, he passed many people who's quirks varied widely, from mutation quirks, to emitter quirks, to transformation quirks, admittedly, Y/n felt very nervous, sure he was naturally very strong and fast, and had control over Ki, a fighting, or life source that everything has, and with enough training, can harness, it's what most Quirks tap into to use, but Y/n, affects it directly, being able to manipulate it, though he hasn't been able to experiment with its properties as Quirks are illegal to use without a license. Y/n stood outside the gates to the second part of the entrance exam, hearing multiple students chatting, while Y/n stretched, recalling Present Mic's explanation.

Present Mic: As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this! Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains.

Y/n recited the instructions in his head, then nodded to himself and charged his Ki. He looked around and saw several people standing, not preparing as if they were told by All Might himself that they were going to get into U.A., except for one, A green haired boy who looked nervous, Y/n approached the boy after charging his Ki.

Y/n: Hey there, you okay? You look pretty nervous.

Izuku: Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, just a bit worried is all.

Y/n: That's understandable, this is a pretty big ask for anyone, oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Y/n L/n, but you can call me Y/n if you want!

Izuku: Ah, my name's Izuku Midoriya!

Y/n: It's a pleasure to meet you, Midoriya! May I ask what your quirk is?

Izuku: Ah?! Oh, uh, right! It's, uh...Superpower! It enhances my Strength! I haven't used it much though, and honestly I'm a bit nervous, this is my first time using a long time!

Y/n: Superpower? Pretty basic name, but A respectable one!

Izuku: Oh, can I know your Quirk?

He pulls out a notebook as Y/n smiles.

Y/n: Yeah! My first quirk is Ki Control!

Izuku: Ki Control?
Y/n: Right! Basically, just some form of energy manipulation, anyways my Second Quirk is called "Saiyan Genetics" whatever that means. It basically just enhances my physical capabilities.

Izuku: Fascinating, thank you, Y/n!

Y/n: Anytime, Midoriya, I hope you pass the Exam!

Izuku: You too!

The two part ways and Y/n gets closer to the gate, though he heard everyone else talking about how lucky they were that they didn't have to worry about Midoriya.

Y/n: Tch, what a bunch of assholes.

Present Mic: Okay, start!

The gates opened and everyone rushed into the battle area, Y/n leading the crowd with a mix of his flight and super speed, before he encountered the first faux villain and punched it in the middle of it's glowing eye, destroying it and earning him one point, before he flew off to hunt for others, soon he encounters a 3 pointed, and it fires missiles at him, instead of dodging, Y/n crosses his arms in front of his body, letting it hit him, only knocking him back, but otherwise he was left unscathed, before he put two arms to his side.

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