Chapter 2: Flowers? For Me?

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The next morning, I woke up to a present outside my door. A bouquet of spider lilies. Well, I happen to find spider lilies quite pretty when I overlook their meaning, so a grabbed a vase, filled it with water and displayed them in my room. Most of the things in my room were green or white, so a bit of red was nice. I also stuck one in my ear after I got changed into my uniform. I got my stuff all ready for school and made the decision to skip breakfast. No need for unnecessary interactions with people I know hate me. I used some stealth tactics to get out the door without anybody noticing me and headed off to the classroom. I got a few looks from the very few students who were early and going to their own classrooms when they saw the flower. I also caught a bit of their whispers and found out rumour had spread about me being a mute and mentally unstable. Eh, let them talk. I don't give a crap anymore.

Maybe I'll just pretend I'm in middle school and not react.

If only. Back then, I had Maki, Toge and Yuta with me. Now I was really alone. All I had was Ai- Dad, who spent most of his time in the teachers lounge and only had us for homeroom and Hatsume, who spent all of her time in the support department except when Power Loader kicked her out. Oh yeah, there was Power Loader too... Maybe not. He did see me during the civil war game, he might hate me too. I'm not quite sure about Hatsume though. Even if he told her, she might still stay with me.

I walked into the classroom, apparently not beating Iida and Yaoyorozu, and took my seat at the back of the class. The other students filed in after a while and took their own seats. As per usual, everyone silenced when Dad walked in. He miraculously missed the flower in my hair and just went on as normal. He did announce that we were doing something at gym gamma and told us to go change into our hero costumes. Of course, people were snickering and the girls avoided me in the change rooms but oh well.

At least no one's bothering me

We were all walking as a class towards the gym when an alarm went off.


Hello, sorry for the short chapter but I wanted a cliffhanger. Why? Because my sleep deprived brain decided that's what I should do. *Sigh* Well, see you next chapter!

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